%----------------------------------------------------------------------------% % Cassette-cover macros for TeX: EXAMPLES.TEX (2 examples) % % Files supplied: CASCOVER.TEX, CASCFONT.TEX, NORMAL.CAS, SMALL.CAS, % % CCMANMAC.TEX, MANUAL.TEX, MANUAL.DVI, EXAMPLES.TEX, % % EXAMPLES.DVI % % Author: Stijn Raaijmakers % % Release date: 9/2/94 % % Package is freeware. % %----------------------------------------------------------------------------% \input normal.cas \input cascover % If you use another format of paper (a4, for example), set it here. % If you want to change the \headline, do it here. % You could set the language here, if the comment on the flap is not in your % default language (English) and needs to be hyphenated. \begintape \begincontents \beginside A: Album1 title - Author () % dolby off \\Song title - Author, time \\Song title - Author, {} \\Song title - , time \\Song title - , {} \\ - Author, time \\ - Author, {} \\ - , time \\ - , {} \\Very long title - Very long name, 10.15 \\{\cond Very long title} - {\cond Very long name}, 10.15 \title Other album title - Author \\Song title - , :47 \title Yet another - {Two words} \\Song title* - , 5'67 * comment \endside \beginside B: Album2 title - Two words (C) % dolby C on \empty % exept for the title \endside \endcontents \beginfront \fronttitle Album1 title - Author \fronttitle Album2 title - {Two words} \endfront \beginflap This is some comment about the tape. It can be several lines long and things can be set in normal and {\large large}. You can use {\em emphasation\/} too. Emphasizing and enlarging can be done independantly. \endflap \endtape Some text between two tapecovers\dots \begintape \begincontents % Several covers can be in one file. \beginside A: Title - Author () \\Song - , 0:00 \endside \beginside C: Title - Author () \\Song - , 0:00 \endside \endcontents \begincontents % This tape has a folded cover. \beginside {}: {} - {} () % all parameters omitted \\ - , {} % all parameters omitted \title {} - {} % all parameters omitted \endside \beginside D: Title - Author () It's possible to just put some text here. I wouldn't ever use it myself, probably, but some people might. It {\em looks\/} great, though. You can type all the way upto \vfill \hfill here. \endside \endcontents \beginfront \fronttitle Title - Author % The front has one title on it. \endfront \beginflap \empty % This is needed \endflap \endtape \bye