% Gratzer-Color-Scheme.sty Version 1.0
% Distributed under the LaTeX Project Public Licence 1.3c

% Load necessary packages
\RequirePackage{xcolor}      % For coloring text
\RequirePackage{amsthm}      % For theorem environment customization

% Define color styles for each environment
\newtheoremstyle{redStyle} % name
  {}                       % Space above
  {}                       % Space below
  {\color{red}}            % Body font
  {}                       % Indent amount
  {\bfseries\color{red}}   % Theorem head font
  {.}                      % Punctuation after theorem head
  { }                      % Space after theorem head
  {}                       % Theorem head spec

  { }

  { }

% Define dark green color if not predefined
\definecolor{darkgreen}{rgb}{0.0, 0.5, 0.0}

% Apply styles to theorem-like environments


