%This document can be run standalone if few comments %are removed (at the beginning and the end of it). %This is useful to check and modify the drawing. % %When used as a standalone document, the following options %are useful: % tikz to typeset the document with tikz (default) % inclusion to simply include an image % %This document is used to draw the trigonometric circle and the %rectangular triangle of page 4. % %\documentclass[tikz]{article} %\usepackage{unit} %\newcommand\TFourTrigOneScale{0.8} %\begin{document} \ifcase\DrawMethod %TikZ \savebox\UnitBox{% \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=\TFourTrigOneScale] %Coordinates of the triangle \coordinate (O) at (0,0); \coordinate (A) at (0,\pythagheight); \coordinate (B) at (\pythagwidth,0); %Coordinate of the center of the trigonometric circle \coordinate (C) at (\TrigoX,\TrigoY); %Coordinate of the begining of the mark of the angle in trigonometric circle %(This point is located on the x axis at the right of the center of the trigonometric %circle). \coordinate (M) at (\TrigoX+\RadiusTheta,\TrigoY); %Coordinate of the letter Theta to describe the angle (the radius is 1cm and the angle %is 35 degrees) \coordinate (T) at (\TrigoX+0.7cm,\TrigoY+0.25cm); %Coordinate of the string "(cos(θ),sin(θ))". The numeric %values are cos(θ) and sin(θ). \coordinate (String) at (\TrigoX+.819152cm,\TrigoY+.5735764cm); %Coordinate of the 4 points (1,0), (0,1) etc. \coordinate (E) at (\TrigoX+1cm+1.2em,\TrigoY-1.2ex); \coordinate (N) at (\TrigoX,\TrigoY+1cm+1ex); \coordinate (W) at (\TrigoX-1cm-1.2em,\TrigoY-1.2ex); \coordinate (S) at (\TrigoX,\TrigoY-1cm-1.3ex); % %Rectangular triangle with origin in (0,0) and sides OA and OB \draw [thick] (O) -- (A) node[midway,left] {$A$} -- (B) node[midway,above] {$C$} -- cycle node[midway,below] {$B$}; %Draw the right angle symbol \draw (O) -- ++ (0, \ranglesize) -- ++ (\ranglesize, 0) -- ++(0,-\ranglesize) -- cycle; %Mark the angles \draw (1.5\ranglesize,1.5\ranglesize) node {$c$}; %Angle a which is arccos(3/sqrt(3^2+2^2))=33,69 degrees rounded to 34 degrees. \draw (\pythagwidth-2\ranglesize,0) arc(180:146:2\ranglesize); %Put the the letter \draw (\pythagwidth-3\ranglesize,\ranglesize) node {$a$}; %Now the second angle b 90 - 34 = 56 degrees \draw (0,\pythagheight-2\ranglesize) arc(270:326:2\ranglesize); %Put the letter \draw (1.5\ranglesize,\pythagheight-2.5\ranglesize) node {$b$}; %Now the drawing of the trigonometric circle \draw [decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[scale=1.3,>=latex]{>}}},postaction={decorate}] (C) -- ++(\axissize,0); \draw [decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[scale=1.3,>=latex]{>}}},postaction={decorate}] (C) -- ++(-\axissize,0); \draw [decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[scale=1.3,>=latex]{>}}},postaction={decorate}] (C) -- ++(0,-\axissize); \draw [decoration={markings,mark=at position 1 with {\arrow[scale=1.3,>=latex]{>}}},postaction={decorate}] (C) -- ++(0,\axissize); %The circle \draw (C) circle(1); %The angle Theta of 35 degrees \draw (C) -- ++(\ThetaAngle:1); %with its mark \draw (M) arc(0:\ThetaAngle:\RadiusTheta); %and then put all the labels %Theta \draw (T) node {$\theta$}; %(cos θ, sin θ) \draw (String) node[right] {$(\cos\theta,\sin\theta)$}; %the points of the compass \draw (E) node [below]{{\footnotesize$(1,0)$}}; \draw (N) node [above,right]{{\footnotesize$(0,1)$}}; \draw (W) node [below]{{\footnotesize$(-1,0)$}}; \draw (S) node [below,right]{{\footnotesize$(-1,0)$}}; \end{tikzpicture} } \or %Inclusion \relax \else \relax \fi %\begin{center} % \usebox\UnitBox %\end{center} %\end{document}