%This command provides the text for the hyperbolic function in %the second part of the second column in page 4 % %This macro has one parameter % 1) The width allowed to typeset the text \newcommand\TFourHyperbolic[1]{% \parbox[t]{#1}{% \DisplaySpace{\TFourDisplaySpace}{\TFourDisplayShortSpace} \TFourTitle{Definitions:} \begin{DisplayFormulae}{1}{0pt}{\TFourSkipFormulae}{\BigChar}{\StyleWithoutNumber} \def\LineOfArray##1##2##3##4{\rule{0pt}{4ex plus .5ex minus 1ex}% {##1}&=&{##2}&{##3}&=&{##4}\\} \Fm{\begin{array}{l%Equal sign @{\hspace{.1em}}c@{\hspace{.2em}}% l% l% @{\hspace{.1em}}c@{\hspace{.2em}}% l} \LineOfArray{\sinh x}{\frac{e^x - e^{-x}}{2}}% {\cosh x}{\frac{e^x + e^{-x}}{2}} \LineOfArray{\tanh x}{\frac{e^x - e^{-x}}{e^x + e^{-x}}} {\csch x}{\frac{1}{\sinh x}} \LineOfArray{\sech x}{\frac{1}{\cosh x}} {\coth x}{\frac{1}{\tanh x}} \end{array}% } \end{DisplayFormulae} \TFourTitle{Identities:} \AdjustSpace{1ex plus .5ex minus .5ex} \begin{DisplayFormulae}{1}{0pt}{\TFourSkipFormulae}{\BigChar}{\StyleWithoutNumber} \def\FmSep{\unskip\text{,}}%use a comma as separator for the formula \Fm{\cosh^2 x - \sinh^2 x = 1} \Fm{\tanh^2 x + \sech^2 x = 1} \Fm{\coth^2 x - \csch^2 x = 1} \Fm{\sinh (-x) = - \sinh x} \Fm{\cosh (-x) = \cosh x} \Fm{\tanh (-x) = - \tanh x} \Fm{\sinh (x + y) = \sinh x \cosh y + \cosh x \sinh y} \Fm{\cosh (x + y) = \cosh x \cosh y + \sinh x \sinh y} \Fm{\sinh 2x = 2 \sinh x \cosh x} \Fm{\cosh 2x = \cosh^2 x + \sinh^2 x} \Fm{\cosh x + \sinh x = e^x} \Fm{\cosh x - \sinh x = e^{-x}} \def\FirstPart{(\cosh x + \sinh x)^n = \mbox{}} \FmPartA{\FirstPart\cosh n x +} \FmPartB{\FirstPart}{\sinh n x \MathRemark{n \in \Z}} \Fm{2 \sinh^2 \tfrac{x}{2} = \cosh x - 1} \def\FmSep{\unskip\text{.}} \Fm{2 \cosh^2 \tfrac{x}{2} = \cosh x + 1} \end{DisplayFormulae} } }