@misc{smith, author = {Smith, Joe}, year = {2020}} @misc{kirk1, author = {Kirk, Joe}, year = {2020}} @misc{kirk2, author = {Kirk, Betty},year = {2020}} @misc{pyne1, author = {Pyne, Joe}, year = {2020}} @misc{pyne2, author = {Pyne, Jill}, year = {2020}} @misc{doe1, author = {Doe, Joe}, year = {2020}} @misc{doe2, author = {Doe, Betty}, year = {2019}} @misc{webb1, author = {Webb, Max}, year = {2020}} @misc{webb2, author = {Webb, Max}, year = {2020}} @misc{list0, author = {Smith, Joe and Webb, Maria}, year = {2020}} @misc{list1, author = {Pyne, Henry and Doe, Maria}, year = {2020}} @misc{list2, author = {Pyne, Joe and Kirk, Maria}, year = {2020}} @misc{list3, author = {Pyne, Joe and Webb, Maria}, year = {2020}} @misc{list4, author = {Pyne, Joe and Webb, Maria}, year = {2020}} @misc{list5, author = {Kirk, Jill and Webb, Maria}, year = {2020}} @article{article1, author = {Doe, Jill}, journaltitle = {Journal A}, title = {An article}, year = {2015}} @article{article2, author = {Pyne, Mike}, journaltitle = {Journal B}, keywords = {important,research}, title = {An important article}, year = {2020}} @article{article3, author = {Webb, Henry}, journaltitle = {Journal C}, title = {An article}, year = {2010}} @book{book1, author = {Pyne, Mike}, title = {A book}, year = {2020}} @book{book2, author = {Kirk, Maria}, keywords = {important}, title = {An important book}, year = {2020}} @book{smith2020-2, author = {Smith, Maria}, title = {A book}, year = {2020}} @book{smith2020-1, author = {Smith, Maria}, title = {Another book}, year = {2020}} @book{jane-1, author = {Doe, Jane}, gender = {sf}, title = {A book}, year = {2020}} @book{jane-2, author = {Doe, Jane}, gender = {sf}, title = {An second book}, year = {2020}} @book{max-1, author = {Pyne, Max}, gender = {sm}, title = {A book}, year = {2020}} @book{max-2, author = {Pyne, Max}, gender = {sm}, title = {A second book}, year = {2020}} @misc{prefix-biber, author = {family=Cruz,given=Maria,prefix=De La}, title = {Uppercase prefixes (extended biber syntax)}, year = {2020}} @misc{apostroph-biber, author = {d' Ormesson, Jean}, title = {Apostroph (only biber)}, year = {2020}} @misc{label-biber, author = {de la Cierva y Codorníu, Juan}, label = {CC}, title = {Forcing a label (only biber)}, year = {2020}} @misc{prefix-both, author = {{D}e {L}a Cruz, Maria}, label = {Cru}, title = {Uppercase prefixes}, year = {2010}} @misc{apostroph-both, author = {d’\relax Ormesson, Jean}, title = {Apostroph}, year = {2010}} @misc{label-bibtex, author = {de la {Cierva y} Codorníu, Juan}, title = {Forcing a label (only {\BibTeX})}, year = {2010}} @online{url:a, author = {White, Maria and Green, Julia}, language = {french}, url = {https://some.url}, urldate = {2021-09-01}} @online{url:b, author = {White, Maria and Green, Julia}, language = {english}, url = {https://some.url}, urldate = {2021-09-01}} @online{url:c, author = {Joe Smith and Henry Webb}, language = {french and spanish}, langid ={french}, url = {https://some.url}, urldate = {2021-09-01}} @online{url:d, author = {Joe Smith and Henry Webb}, language = {spanish with some translations}, langid = {spanish}, url = {https://some.url}, urldate = {2021-09-01}} @online{url:e, author = {Joe Smith and Henry Webb}, language = {english}, langid = {english}, url = {https://some.url}, urldate = {2021-09-01}} @unpublished{test97, author = {Goossens, Michel and User, Ben and Doe, Joe and others}, note = {Submitted to the IBM J.~Res.~Dev.}, title = {Ambiguous citations}, year = {1997}} @misc{oddity, howpublished = {Quarterly published.}, title = {{{TUGboat} The Communications of the {\TeX} User Group}}, year = {1980ff}} @misc{pagination, pagination = {section}, title = {test pagination}} @article{sourcemap-test, author-biblatex = {Smith,Betty}, author = {Doe,Charles}, abstract = {About % and # chars}} @book{location-list, author = {Webb, Maria}, title = {Sämtliche Werke}, date = 1988, location = {München and Berlin and New York}}