\documentclass[border=5mm]{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \def\tll#1{$\vcenter{\let\\\cr\halign{\hss\textsf{##}\hss\cr#1\cr}}$} \begin{document} \mplibtextextlabel{enable} \begin{mplibcode} path paper; paper = origin {dir -16} .. (55, 0) {dir -13} -- (55,34) -- (0, 34) -- cycle; path source, EPS, pdf; source = paper; EPS = paper shifted 105 right; pdf = paper shifted 210 right; beginfig(1); fill source withcolor (1,1,7/8); draw source; label("\tll{MP source}", center source); label.bot("\tll{Edit with\\MacVim}", point 1/2 of source shifted 8 down); fill EPS withcolor (15/16, 15/16, 1); draw EPS dashed withdots scaled 1/2; label("\textsf{EPS}", center EPS); fill pdf withcolor (7/8, 7/8, 1); draw pdf; label("\textsf{PDF}", center pdf); picture p, u; p = thelabel.bot("\tll{Preview with\\Skim.app}", point 1/2 of pdf shifted 8 down); u = thelabel.top("\tll{Use in \LaTeX with\\\texttt{\textbackslash includegraphics}}", point 5/2 of pdf shifted 34 up); draw p; draw u; interim ahangle := 30; drawarrow (origin -- 34 up) shifted point 5/2 of pdf dashed evenly scaled 1/2; drawarrow point 3/2 of bbox source -- point 7/2 of bbox EPS; label.top("\texttt{mpost}", 1/2[center source, center EPS]); drawarrow point 3/2 of bbox EPS -- point 7/2 of bbox pdf; label.top("\texttt{epstopdf}", 1/2[center EPS, center pdf]); drawarrow center EPS -- center u cutbefore bbox EPS cutafter bbox u dashed withdots scaled 1/2; draw center EPS -- center p cutbefore bbox EPS cutafter bbox p dashed withdots scaled 1/2; endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}