vardef rope expr c = save s, w, hemp, n, a, b, A; color hemp; hemp = 1/256 (192, 149, 82); numeric s, w, n, A; w = -1; n = -1; A = arclength c; s = A/floor(A/2); path a[]; for t=0 step s until A + 1: a[incr n] = (0,+w) rotated angle direction arctime t-3/2s of c of c shifted point arctime t-3/2s of c of c .. (0,+w) rotated angle direction arctime t-1/2s of c of c shifted point arctime t-1/2s of c of c .. (0,-w) rotated angle direction arctime t+1/2s of c of c shifted point arctime t+1/2s of c of c .. (0,-w) rotated angle direction arctime t+3/2s of c of c shifted point arctime t+3/2s of c of c; endfor image( for i=1 upto n: path b; b = buildcycle(a[i-1], reverse a[i]); fill b withcolor 1/2[white, hemp]; draw b withpen pencircle scaled 1/8; endfor ) enddef;