\documentclass[border=2mm]{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \mplibtextextlabel{enable} \begin{mplibcode} beginfig(1); path xx, yy, ff; xx = origin -- 233 right; yy = origin -- 144 up; z1 = (72, 62); z2 = (180, 110); ff = (xpart point 0 of xx, ypart point 0 of yy) {dir 76} .. z1 {dir 64} .. z2 {dir 64} .. (xpart point 1 of xx, ypart point 1 of yy) {dir 30}; draw ff withcolor 0.54 red; drawarrow xx; drawarrow yy; forsuffixes $=1,2: draw (0, y$) -- z$ -- (x$,0) dashed evenly withcolor 1/2; dotlabel.lft("\texttt{(0,y" & decimal $ & ")}", (0, y$)); dotlabel.bot("\texttt{(x" & decimal $ & ",0)}", (x$, 0)); dotlabel.rt("$z_" & decimal $ & "$", z$); endfor endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}