\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \begin{mplibcode} vardef freehand_through@#(expr a, b) = save t; pair t; t = @# * unitvector(b - a) rotated (4 + normaldeviate); a - t .. a {t} .. b {t} .. b + t enddef; vardef mid_arc@#(expr p, a, b) = save c; path c; c = fullcircle scaled (2*@#) shifted p cutbefore a cutafter b; point arctime 1/2 arclength c of c of c enddef; beginfig(1); defaultfont := "eurm10"; color sepia; sepia = (0.44, 0.26, 0.08); pair A, B, C; A = (0,-30); B = (180,0); C = (120,90); path a, b, c; a = freehand_through 7 (A, B); b = freehand_through 8 (B, C); c = freehand_through 6 (C, A); drawoptions(withcolor sepia); draw a; draw b; draw c; drawoptions(withcolor .67 blue); label.bot ("a", point 3/2 of a); label.rt ("b", point 3/2 of b); label.ulft("c", point 3/2 of c); drawoptions(withcolor .5 red); label(char 11, mid_arc 16 (A, a, c)); label(char 12, mid_arc 14 (B, b, a)); label(char 13, mid_arc 14 (C, c, b)); drawoptions(); endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}