% Toby Thurston -- 16 Apr 2021 % Draw a kitsch picture frame round a rectangular path color gold, dark, grey; gold = 1/256(243, 197, 127); dark = 1/256(144, 87, 50); grey = 1/256(156, 147, 138); picture ball; ball = image(for i=0 upto 16: fill interpath(i/16, fullcircle scaled 10, fullcircle scaled 3 shifted (-2, 2) ) withcolor (i/16)[gold, 15/16 white]; endfor) scaled 1/4; newinternal pf_width; pf_width := 21; vardef frame expr P = save base, side, f, t, u, xx; picture base, side; path f; numeric t, u, xx; t = arclength subpath (0,1) of bbox P; u = arclength subpath (1,2) of bbox P; xx = max(t, u) + 2 pf_width; f = unitsquare xscaled xx yscaled pf_width; % convenience / nonce function vardef paint_strip(expr y, wd, shade) = draw subpath (0, 1) of f shifted (0, if y < 0: pf_width + fi y) withpen pencircle scaled wd withcolor shade enddef; base = image( % background colour fill f withcolor gold; % grey strips paint_strip(2, 3, 5/4 grey); paint_strip(3.5, 1/4, grey); paint_strip(5, 1/4, 1/2[gold, dark]); paint_strip(-6.5, 1/4, 1/2[gold, dark]); paint_strip(-6, 1/4, 1/2[gold, dark]); paint_strip(-2, 2, 5/4 grey); % spatter with random spots for i=0 upto 4 * arclength(subpath (0,1) of f): fill fullcircle scaled uniformdeviate 3/4 shifted (uniformdeviate xx, uniformdeviate pf_width) withcolor dark; endfor % decorative balls for x = 2 step 3 until xx: draw ball shifted (x, 2); endfor ); % make two trapezium shapes side = base; clip side to (pf_width, 0) -- (pf_width + u, 0) -- (2 pf_width + u, pf_width) -- (0, pf_width) -- cycle; clip base to (pf_width, 0) -- (pf_width + t, 0) -- (2 pf_width + t, pf_width) -- (0, pf_width) -- cycle; % arrange the pieces into a square image( draw base rotated 180 shifted point 1 of bbox P shifted (+pf_width, 0); draw base rotated 0 shifted point 3 of bbox P shifted (-pf_width, 0); draw side rotated 90 shifted point 0 of bbox P shifted (0, -pf_width); draw side rotated 270 shifted point 2 of bbox P shifted (0, +pf_width); ) enddef;