\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \begin{mplibcode} beginfig(3); path t; t = (0,0) -- (220,42) -- (180,-90) -- cycle; pair centroid; centroid = 2/3[point 0 of t,point 3/2 of t]; path s[]; for i=0 upto 5: s[i] = point 1/2 i of t -- point 1/2 + 1/2 i of t -- centroid -- cycle; endfor color c[]; c[0] = (1,0.96863,0.73725); c[1] = (0.99608,0.76863,0.3098); c[2] = (0.85098,0.37255,0.054902); picture a,b; a = image( for i=0 upto 2: fill s[2i] withcolor .6[c[i],white]; fill s[2i+1] withcolor .4[c[i],white]; endfor for i=0 upto 2: draw point i of t -- point 3/2+i of t; endfor draw t;); b = image( for i=0 upto 2: fill s[2i] withcolor .6[c[i],white]; fill s[2i+1] rotatedabout(point i+1/2 of t, 180) withcolor .4[c[i],white]; endfor for i=0 upto 2: draw point i of t -- centroid -- centroid rotatedabout(point i+1/2 of t,180) -- cycle; endfor draw t;); draw a; draw b shifted 222 right; endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}