\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \mplibtextextlabel{enable} \begin{mplibcode} beginfig(1); z1 = 377 right; z2 = 233 up; path ff; ff = origin .. (72, 144){1,2} .. (84, 144) .. (96, 144){1,1} .. (220, 220){right} .. (370, 160){2,-1.3}; for t=2, 4, 4.9: draw point t of ff -- (xpart point t of ff, y2 + 6) dashed evenly scaled 1/2; endfor label.top("Strain hardening", (1/2 (xpart point 2 of ff + xpart point 4 of ff), y2)); label.top("Necking", (1/2 (xpart point 4 of ff + xpart point 4.9 of ff), y2)); path rr; rr = point 0.4 of ff -- (xpart point 0.8 of ff, ypart point 0.4 of ff) -- point 0.8 of ff; draw rr; label.bot("Run", point 1/2 of rr); label.rt("Rise", point 3/2 of rr); vardef pin_label@#(expr p, a, b)= draw a -- b cutbefore fullcircle scaled 8 shifted a withpen pencircle scaled 1/4 withcolor 1/2 white; label@#(p, b); enddef; pin_label.lrt("Yield strength", point 1.2 of ff, point 2 of ff + (8, -18)); pin_label.bot("Ultimate strength", point 4 of ff, point 4 of ff + (4, -24)); pin_label.bot("Fracture", point 5 of ff, point 5 of ff + (-8, -18)); draw ff withpen pencircle scaled 1 withcolor 2/3 blue; clip currentpicture to unitsquare scaled 400; % clip thick pen at origin drawdblarrow z1 -- origin -- z2; label.ulft("Strain, $\epsilon$", z1); label.urt("Stress, $\sigma$", z2); label("$\displaystyle\hbox{Young's modulus} = \hbox{Slope} = {\hbox{Rise}\over\hbox{Run}}$", 1/2 z1 shifted 36 up) withcolor 2/3 blue; endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}