\documentclass[border=5mm]{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \mplibtextextlabel{enable} \begin{mplibcode} vardef pulse(expr w, h, d) = for i=0 upto 4: x[i] = w/4 * i; endfor y0 = y1 = 0; y3 = y4 = d; y2 = h; z0 .. 1/2[z0, z1] .. controls z1 .. 1/2[z1, z2] .. controls z2 .. 1/2[z2, z3] .. controls z3 .. 1/2[z3, z4] .. z4 enddef; beginfig(1); path p; p = pulse(300, 100, -40); draw point 0 of p -- postcontrol 1 of p -- postcontrol 2 of p -- postcontrol 3 of p -- point 5 of p dashed withdots scaled 1/2 withcolor 2/3 red; for i=1 upto 3: draw postcontrol i of p withpen pencircle scaled 2 withcolor 2/3 red; endfor label.lrt("$z_1$", postcontrol 1 of p) withcolor 2/3 red; label.top("$z_2$", postcontrol 2 of p) withcolor 2/3 red; label.llft("$z_3$", postcontrol 3 of p) withcolor 2/3 red; draw p withcolor 1/2 blue; draw p shifted 120 up withcolor 1/2 blue; for i=0 upto length p: draw point i of p withpen pencircle scaled 2; endfor endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}