\documentclass[border=5mm]{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \mplibtextextlabel{enable} \begin{mplibcode} vardef pi_sixths(expr n) = save s, f, q; string s, f; numeric q; s = if n < 0: "-" else: "" fi; q = abs(n); if q mod 6 = 0: f = if q > 6: decimal 1/6 q else: "" fi; elseif q mod 3 = 0: f = "\frac{" & decimal 1/3 q & "}{2}"; elseif q mod 2 = 0: f = "\frac{" & decimal 1/2 q & "}{3}"; else: f = "\frac{" & decimal q & "}{6}"; fi "$\scriptstyle" & s & f & "\pi$" enddef; beginfig(1); numeric u, pi; u = 50; pi = 3.141592653589793; path xx, yy; xx = (3.5 left -- 4 right) scaled u; yy = (1.2 down -- 1.3 up) scaled u; path ss, tt, uu; ss = origin for x=1 upto 360: -- (x, sind(x)) endfor; tt = origin for x=1 upto 360: -- (x, 1/2 sind(3x)) endfor; uu = origin for x=1 upto 360: -- (x, ypart point x of ss + ypart point x of tt) endfor; forsuffixes $=ss, tt, uu: $ := $ shifted 360 left & $; $ := $ xscaled (pi/180) scaled u; $ := $ cutbefore yy shifted point 0 of xx cutafter yy shifted point 1 of xx; endfor draw ss withcolor 1/2[blue, white]; draw tt withcolor 1/2[red, white]; draw uu withcolor 1/4 green; label.top("$f(x)=sin(x)$", point 290 of ss) withcolor 1/2[blue, white]; label.bot("$g(x)=\frac12 sin(3x)$", point 295 of tt) withcolor 1/2[red, white]; label.urt("$f(x) + g(x)$", point 350 of uu) withcolor 1/4 green; drawarrow xx; label.rt("$x$", point 1 of xx); drawarrow yy; label.top("$y$", point 1 of yy); for i=-6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7: draw (down--up) scaled 2 shifted (pi * i/6 * u, 0); label.bot(pi_sixths(i), (pi * i/6 * u, -2)); endfor endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}