\documentclass{standalone} \usepackage{luamplib} \begin{document} \begin{mplibcode} input color-hsv-macro beginfig(2); defaultfont := "phvr8r"; defaultscale := 3/4; path h,d,b; numeric n; h = ((-2,0)--(0,0)--(-1,3)--(-2,3)--cycle) scaled 60; d = h rotated 180; n = 10; b = subpath (0,1) of h -- point 1+1/n of d -- (xpart point 0 of h, ypart point 1+1/n of d) -- cycle; fill b withcolor hsv_color(123, 1/8, 7/8); draw subpath (2.13,4) of b; for i=1 upto n: fill point 4-(i-1)/n of h -- point 1+(i-1)/n of h -- point 1+i/n of h -- point 4-i/n of h -- cycle withcolor hsv_color(42, 1/4 + 3/4 * i/n, 1 - i/3n); fill point 4-(i-1)/n of d -- point 1+(i-1)/n of d -- point 1+i/n of d -- point 4-i/n of d -- cycle withcolor hsv_color(200, i/n - 1/n, 1 - i/3n); endfor string s; for i=1 upto n-1: draw point 4-i/n of h -- point 1+i/n of h; draw point 4-i/n of d -- point 1+i/n of d; s := decimal if i < 4: (i**2+1) else: (10 + (i-3)*10) fi & "00"; label.rt(s, point 1+i/n of h); label.lft(s, point 1+i/n of d); endfor label.rt("Metres", point 2 of h); label.lft("Metres", point 2 of d); label.lft("Hypsometric tints" infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale rotated 90, point 7/2 of h); label.rt("Bathymetric tints" infont defaultfont scaled defaultscale rotated -90, point 7/2 of d); label.lft("sea level", point 0 of h); label("areas below sea level", center b); draw h; draw d; endfig; \end{mplibcode} \end{document}