@preamble{"\latex{\addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{Bibliography}} \label{ch:bib}"} @book{lamport94, author = "Leslie Lamport", title = "{\LaTeX}\space: a document preparation system", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", edition="2nd", year = 1994 } @book{kopka95, author = "Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly", title = "A guide to {\LaTeXe}: document preparation for beginners and advanced users", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1995 } @book{goossens94, author = "Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach and Alexander Samarin", title = "The {\LaTeX}\space companion", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1994 } @book{goossens97, author = "Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz and Frank Mittelbach", title = "The {\LaTeX}\space graphics companion", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1997 } @book{goossens99, author = "Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz and others", title = "The {\LaTeX}\space web companion", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1999 } @book{kottwitz, author = "Stefan Kottwitz", title = "{\LaTeX}\space Beginner's Guide", publisher = "Packt Publishing", year = 2011 } @book{vandongen, author = "Marc van Dongen", title = "{\LaTeX}\space and Friends", publisher = "Springer", year = 2012 } @book{oxford, author = "R. M. Ritter", title = "Oxford Style Manual", publisher = "Oxford University Press", year = 2003 } @book{turabian96, author = "Kate L. Turabian", title = "A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations", edition = "sixth", publisher = "The University of Chicago Press", year = 1996 } @book{texbook, author = "Donald Ervin Knuth", title = "The {\TeX{}book}", publisher = "Addison-Wesley", year = 1986 } @book{thesis, author = "Nicola L. C. Talbot", title = "Using {\LaTeX}\space to Write a Ph.D. Thesis", volume = 2, publisher = "Dickmaw Books", series = "The Dickimaw {\LaTeX}\space Series", note = "\url{\baseurl/latex/thesis/}", year = 2012 } @article{pakin09, author = "Scott Pakin", title = "The Comprehensive {\LaTeX}\space Symbol List", note = "\url{http://mirror.ctan.org/info/symbols/comprehensive} or \texttt{texdoc symbols}", year = 2009 } @article{l2tabu, author = {Mark Trettin and J\"urgen Fenn}, title = "An essential guide to {\LaTeXe}\space usage: obsolete commands and packages", year = 2007, note = "\url{http://mirror.ctan.org/info/l2tabu/english} or \texttt{texdoc l2tabu-en}" } @misc{texarchive, key = "UKTeX", title = "The {UK} {\TeX}\space {Archive}", note = "\url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/}\index{TeX Archive@\TeX \ Archive}" } @misc{comptexttex, key="comp.text.tex", title = "The \texttt{comp.text.tex} news group", note = "\url{http://groups.google.com/group/comp.text.tex}" } @misc{texhax, key="texhax", title = "The \texttt{texhax} archives", note = "\url{http://tug.org/pipermail/texhax/}" } @misc{fontcat, key="font", title = "The {\LaTeX}\space Font Catalogue", note = "\url{http://www.tug.dk/FontCatalogue/}" } @misc{ukfaq, key="UKFAQ", title = "{UK} List of {\TeX}\space Frequently Asked Questions", note = "\url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/faq}" } @misc{tds, key="TDS", title = "What is the {TDS}?", note = "\url{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=tds}" } @misc{ctan, key="CTAN", title = "The Comprehensive {\TeX}\space Archive Network", note = "\url{http://mirror.ctan.org/}" } @misc{tug, key="TUG", title = "The {\TeX}\space User Group", note = "\url{http://tug.org/}" } @misc{uktug, key="UKTUG", title = "The {UK} {\TeX}\space User Group", note = "\url{http://uk.tug.org/}" } @misc{texcat, author = "Graham Williams", title = "{\TeX}\space Catalogue", note = "\url{http://mirror.ctan.org/help/Catalogue/}" } @misc{sargentiii, author = "Murray {Sargent III}", title = "High-Quality Editing and Display of Mathematical Text in Office 2007", note = "\url{http://blogs.msdn.com/b/murrays/archive/2006/09/13/752206.aspx}", month = SEP, year = 2006 } @misc{voss, author = "Herbert {Vo\ss}", title = "Math Mode", note = "\url{http://mirror.ctan.org/info/math/voss/mathmode/Mathmode.pdf} or \texttt{texdoc mathmode}", year = 2010 }