input latexmp setupLaTeXMP(preamblefile="textpathfigs"); input textpath prologues := 0; beginfig(1); draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", fullcircle scaled 50bp, 0) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(2); path p; p := reverse fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 50bp; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(3); path p; p := reverse fullcircle rotated -90; draw textpathFont("\usefont{T1}{pzc}{m}{n}\huge", "Happy Birthday to", p scaled 400bp, 0.5) withcolor (1, 0.6, 0.2); draw textpathFont("\usefont{T1}{bch}{m}{n}\large", "Daisy Duck!", p scaled 350bp, 0.5) withcolor (0.9, 0.3, 0.1); endfig; beginfig(4); path p; p := reverse fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 50bp; draw p withcolor .8white; draw textpathRaw("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(5); path p; p := reverse halfcircle scaled 80bp; draw p withcolor .8white; draw textpathRaw("\LARGE$x^2+y^2=r^2$", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(6); path p; p := reverse halfcircle xscaled 150bp yscaled 80; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathShift := 7pt; draw textpathRaw("\Large$\frac{(x-u)^2}{a^2}+\frac{(y-v)^2}{b^2}=1$", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(7); path p; string f; f := "\usefont{T1}{pzc}{m}{n}\Large"; p := subpath (5.7,6.3) of fullcircle scaled 1400bp; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathRepeat := 3; interim textpathStretch := 0; interim textpathHSpace := 10pt; draw textpathFont(f, "Happy Birthday!", p, 0.5) withcolor (1, 0.6, 0.2); endfig; beginfig(8); path p[]; string f; f := "\usefont{T1}{pzc}{m}{n}\Large"; p1 := subpath (5.7,6.3) of fullcircle scaled 1400bp; p2 := p1 shifted (0bp,-30bp); draw p1 withcolor .8white; draw p2 withcolor .8white; interim textpathRepeat := 3; interim textpathStretch := 1; draw textpathFont(f, "Happy Birthday!", p1, 0.5) withcolor (1, 0.6, 0.2); draw textpathFont(f, "Happy Birthday!", p2, 0) withcolor (1, 0.6, 0.2); endfig; beginfig(9); string f; path p; numeric r,h,w; picture pic; % Font Brush Script Italic is available on CTAN. f := "\usefont{T1}{pbsi}{xl}{n}\fontsize{2.1pt}{2.1pt}\selectfont"; w := 210bp; h := .276w; r := .19h; p := (-.5w,0)--(-.5w,.5h-r)--quartercircle rotated -90 scaled (2r) shifted (-.5w,.5h)--(0,.5h); p := p--reverse p reflectedabout ((0,-1),(0,1)); p := p--reverse p reflectedabout ((-1,0),(1,0))--cycle; draw p withpen pensquare scaled 3.5pt; interim textpathRepeat := 30; interim textpathShift := -.6pt; draw textpathFont(f, "Fa\ss' Dich kurz!", p, 0.5) withcolor white; label(textext ("\usefont{T1}{bfu}{mb}{n}\fontsize{22pt}{22pt}\selectfont Telephonzelle"), origin);% Bitstream Futura endfig; beginfig(10); string f; path p; picture pic; numeric lenp, lenpic, tb, k; color daisy; daisy := (0.9, 0.3, 0.1); f := "\usefont{T1}{bch}{m}{n}\fontsize{48pt}{48pt}\selectfont"; p := subpath (2.7,5.3) of reverse fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 120bp; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathAbsRotation := 1; draw textpathFont(f, "Daisy", p, 0.5) withcolor daisy + 0.85(white-daisy); textpathAbsRotation := 0; interim textpathDebug := 2; pickup pencircle scaled .2bp; draw textpathFont(f, "Daisy", p, 0.5) withcolor .6white; textpathDebug := 1; draw textpathFont(f, "Daisy", p, 0.5) withcolor daisy; textpathDebug := 4; draw textpathFont(f, "Daisy", p, 0.5) withcolor .6white; endfig; beginfig(11); string f, t; path heart; f := "\usefont{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}\tiny"; t := "Love"; heart := halfcircle shifted (-0.5bp,0bp)..{dir-50}(0bp,-1.5bp); heart := heart--reverse heart reflectedabout ((0,0),(0,1))--cycle; heart := heart scaled 60bp; interim textpathRotation := 90; interim textpathLetterSpace := 1pt; interim textpathRepeat := 30; draw textpathFont(f, t, heart, 0.5) withcolor red+0.1green; endfig; beginfig(12); path p; string f, t; picture pic; f := "\usefont{T1}{fwb}{m}{n}\Large";% From the emerald package t := "Don't panic! Don't panic! Don't panic!"; p := origin for i:=1 upto 20: ..(i, sind(i*45)) endfor; p := p xscaled 20 yscaled 35; interim textpathRotation := 0; interim textpathAbsRotation := 1; interim textpathLetterSpace := 6pt; pic := textpathFont(f, t, p, 0); background := black; interim bboxmargin := 30bp; unfill bbox pic; draw pic withcolor red+green; endfig; beginfig(13); path p; p := (origin--(1bp,0bp)) scaled 75bp; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathClip := 1; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); p := p shifted (0,-20bp); draw p withcolor .8white; textpathClip := 0; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); p := p shifted (0,-20bp); draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathAutoScale := 1; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(14); path p; interim textpathDraft := 1; p := (origin--(1bp,0bp)) scaled 75bp; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathClip := 1; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); p := p shifted (0,-20bp); draw p withcolor .8white; textpathClip := 0; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); p := p shifted (0,-20bp); draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathAutoScale := 1; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(15); path p; p := reverse halfcircle xscaled 150bp yscaled 80; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathShift := 9pt; interim textpathFancyStrokes := 0; draw textpathRaw("\Large$y = v+b\sqrt{1-\frac{(x-u)^2}{a^2}}$", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(16); path p; p := reverse halfcircle xscaled 150bp yscaled 80; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathShift := 9pt; interim textpathFancyStrokes := 1; interim textpathCureSqrt := 0; draw textpathRaw("\Large$y = v+b\sqrt{1-\frac{(x-u)^2}{a^2}}$", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(17); path p; p := reverse halfcircle xscaled 150bp yscaled 80; draw p withcolor .8white; interim textpathShift := 9pt; interim textpathFancyStrokes := 1; interim textpathCureSqrt := 1; draw textpathRaw("\Large$y = v+b\sqrt{1-\frac{(x-u)^2}{a^2}}$", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(18); string f; path p; f := "\usefont{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}\fontsize{56pt}{56pt}\selectfont"; p := reverse fullcircle rotated 33 scaled 150bp; interim textpathLetterSpace := -3pt; draw textpathFont(f, "Pro \&", p, 1) withcolor (1, 0.6, 0.2); interim textpathLetterSpace := 0pt; f := "\usefont{T1}{pzc}{m}{it}\fontsize{48pt}{48pt}\selectfont"; p := fullcircle rotated 33 scaled 145bp; draw textpathFont(f, "Con\<{\kern-2pt}tra", p, 0.0) withcolor (1, 0.6, 0.2); endfig; beginfig(19); path p; p := reverse fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 50bp; interim textpathDebug := 1 + 2; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; beginfig(20); path p; p := reverse fullcircle rotated -90 scaled 50bp; interim textpathDebug := 2 + 4; draw textpath("Greetings from MetaPost!", p, 0.5) withcolor (0.2,0.2,0.6); endfig; end