% twoDcolision.mp % L. Nobre G. % 2013 verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex; beginfig(1); ahangle := 30; numeric angthe, angalf, xpoin; numeric radthe, vini; numeric ysize, xsize, margs, units, i, dim; pair vone, vinic, vtwo; path xaxis, yaxis, vonep, vinicp, vtwop, auxil; pen thick, usual, vthin; angthe = 65; dim = 50; units = 0.8mm; ahlength := 2.5units; margs = 8units; xsize = 75units; ysize = 40units; radthe = 23units; vini = xsize-2.5*margs; thick = pencircle scaled 0.5units; usual = pencircle scaled 0.2units; vthin = pencircle scaled 0.1units; yaxis = ( 0, -vini/2 )--( 0, ysize-margs ); xaxis = ( -margs, 0 )--( xsize-margs, 0 ); pickup usual; drawarrow xaxis; label.bot( btex $x$ etex, point 1 of xaxis ); drawarrow yaxis; label.lft( btex $y$ etex, point 1 of yaxis ); pickup thick; vinic = vini*right; vinicp = origin--vinic; drawarrow vinicp; label.urt( btex $\vec{v}_i$ etex, vinic ); vone = vini*cosd(angthe)*dir(angthe); vonep = origin--vone; drawarrow vonep; label.ulft( btex $\vec{v}_1$ etex, vone ); vtwo = vini*sind(angthe)*dir(angthe-90); vtwop = origin--vtwo; drawarrow vtwop; label.lrt( btex $\vec{v}_2$ etex, vtwo ); pickup vthin; draw fullcircle scaled radthe cutafter vonep; draw fullcircle scaled vini shifted (vinic/2); label.urt( btex $\Theta$ etex, ( radthe/2, 0 ) ); z1 = dir(angthe)*margs/2; z2 = dir(angthe-45)*margs/sqrt(2); z3 = dir(angthe-90)*margs/2; draw z1--z2--z3; endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex end;