% troncoconedef.mp % L. Nobre G. % 2002 input featpost3Dplus2D; verbatimtex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{beton} \usepackage{concmath} \usepackage{ccfonts} \begin{document} etex f := (5,0,3); def twoclicpathesinapen( expr CycleA, CycleB )= begingroup numeric TheLengthOfA, TheLengthOfB, TheMargin; path SubPathA, SubPathB; TheMargin = 0.02; TheLengthOfA = ( length CycleA ) - TheMargin; TheLengthOfB = ( length CycleB ) - TheMargin; SubPathA = subpath ( 0, TheLengthOfA ) of CycleA; SubPathB = subpath ( 0, TheLengthOfB ) of CycleB; ( makepath makepen ( SubPathA--SubPathB--cycle ) ) endgroup enddef; beginfig(0); numeric rayo, rayt; path onec, twoc, botc; color axec, baso, bast; rayo = 1; rayt = 0.7; axec = red; baso = black; bast = (1,1,1); onec = goodcirclepath( baso, axec, rayo ); twoc = goodcirclepath( bast, axec, rayt ); botc = twoclicpathesinapen( onec, twoc ); fill botc withcolor green; draw onec; draw twoc; draw botc; dotlabel.bot( btex onec0 etex, point 0 of onec ); dotlabel.bot( btex twoc0 etex, point 0 of twoc ); endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex end.