% project.mp % L. Nobre G. % 2013 verbatimtex \documentclass{article}\begin{document} etex beginfig(1); ahangle := 30; numeric angthe, angalf, angpsi, xtopo, ytopo, xpoin; numeric radthe, radalf, radpsi, extenfac; numeric ysize, xsize, margs, units, parac, i, dim; pair vzer, incl, hori, topo; path parab, plani, veloc, xaxis, yaxis, auxil; pen thick, usual, vthin; angpsi = -13; extenfac = 1.2; dim = 50; units = 1mm; margs = 8units; xsize = 70units; ysize = 40units; radthe = 34units; radalf = 46units; radpsi = 22units; thick = pencircle scaled 0.5units; usual = pencircle scaled 0.2units; vthin = pencircle scaled 0.1units; xtopo = xsize/2-margs; ytopo = ysize-2*margs; parac = ytopo/(xtopo*xtopo); yaxis = ( 0, -margs/2 )--( 0, ysize-margs ); xaxis = ( -margs, 0 )--( xsize-margs, 0 ); plani = (margs*( -cosd( angpsi ), -sind( angpsi ) ) ) --(extenfac*( 2*xtopo, 2*xtopo*sind( angpsi )/cosd( angpsi ) ) ); topo = ( xtopo, ytopo ); parab = origin; for i = 1 upto extenfac*dim: xpoin := 2*i*xtopo/dim; parab := parab..(xpoin,ytopo-parac*(xpoin-xtopo)*(xpoin-xtopo)); endfor; ypart( vzer ) = ytopo; vzer = whatever*( direction 0 of parab ); veloc = origin--vzer; hori = ( 2*xtopo, 0 ); incl = plani intersectionpoint reverse parab; auxil = origin--topo; pickup thick; draw parab cutafter reverse plani; drawarrow veloc; pickup usual; drawarrow xaxis; drawarrow yaxis; draw plani; draw parab cutbefore reverse plani dashed evenly; % draw auxil dashed evenly; pickup vthin; draw fullcircle scaled radthe cutafter veloc; % draw fullcircle scaled radalf cutafter auxil; draw fullcircle scaled radpsi cutafter plani; dotlabel.urt( btex $H$ etex, hori ); dotlabel.urt( btex $I$ etex, incl ); % dotlabel.top( btex $T$ etex, topo ); label.bot( btex $x$ etex, point 1 of xaxis ); label.lft( btex $y$ etex, point 1 of yaxis ); label.lft( btex $\vec{v}_0$ etex, vzer ); label.urt( btex $\Theta$ etex, ( radthe/2, 0 ) ); % label.urt( btex $\alpha$ etex, ( radalf/2, 0 ) ); label.urt( btex $\Psi$ etex, ( radpsi/2, 0 ) ); endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex end;