numeric u; u = 1cm; pen thin, thick; thin = pencircle scaled 1pt; thick= pencircle scaled 3pt; verbatimtex \documentclass{article} \usepackage{palatino} \begin{document} etex beginfig(1); pair a, b, c, d; a = origin; b = (1u,2u); c = (4u,2u); d = (6u,0); path lines, curve; lines = a--b--c--d; curve = a..controls b and c..d; %%%%%%%%%%% This is quite powerfull. draw lines withpen thin withcolor red+blue; draw curve withpen thin withcolor blue; drawoptions( withpen thick ); draw a; draw b; draw c; draw d; endfig; beginfig(4); pair a, b, c, d, e; a = origin; b = (2.5u,0.5u); c = (4u,2u); d = (6u,0); e = (4u,-0.5u); drawoptions( withcolor blue ); picture thecaption; thecaption = btex Degree 3 etex; label( thecaption, e ); path lines, curve; lines = a--b--c--d; curve = a..controls b and c..d; draw lines withpen thin withcolor red+blue; draw curve withpen thin withcolor blue; drawoptions( withpen thick withcolor red+green ); draw a; draw b; draw c; draw d; endfig; beginfig(6); numeric n, i; n = 100; pair p[]; for i=1 upto n: p[i] = (uniformdeviate(4u),uniformdeviate(3u)); draw p[i] withpen thick withcolor green; endfor; path everywhere, convexhull; everywhere = p1 for i=2 upto n: --p[i] endfor --cycle; convexhull = makepath makepen everywhere; %%%%%%%%%%%%%% Wow! draw convexhull withpen thin withcolor red+green; for i=1 upto length convexhull: draw point i of convexhull withpen thick withcolor blue; endfor; endfig; verbatimtex \end{document} etex end.