/* :Title: Styled subgraphs :Tags: PGF, Preproc This example shows how subgraphs can be styled using PGF/TikZ styles. Note that version 1.09 or higher of PGF/TikZ is required. Generated with:: $ dot2tex.py -tmath --preproc subgraphs.dot | dot2tex.py --crop > subgraphs.tex */ digraph G { d2tdocpreamble="\usetikzlibrary{patterns}"; size="6,6"; node [style="fill=blue!40"]; node [shape=circle, width=0.4]; a -> b -> c; graph [style="rounded corners, shade"]; subgraph cluster0 { graph [style="pattern color=red, pattern=bricks, rounded corners"]; node [style = "fill=blue, semitransparent"]; x_0 -> y_0; x_0 -> z_0; } subgraph cluster1 { graph [style="snake=snake, fill=green!20"]; node [style = "fill=red!20"]; edge [style="->>"]; x_1 -> y_1; x_1 -> z_1; } subgraph cluster2 { node [style=" "]; x_2 -> y_2; x_2 -> z_2; } a -> x_0; b -> x_1; b -> x_2; a -> z_2; c -> z_1; }