I had to round some heights by 0.1099854 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1549702 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1599751 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1649151 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1000357 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1600351 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1599703 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1749849 units.
I had to round some italic corrections by 0.0050049 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1599751 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1649151 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1099854 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1300049 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1700401 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1550303 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1049852 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1199951 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1750507 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1600409 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1700401 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1550303 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0850201 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1350107 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1749849 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1600351 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1099854 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1499605 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1950054 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1600351 units.
I had to round some italic corrections by 0.0050049 units.
LIG character examined by '055 had no CHARACTER spec.
I had to round some heights by 0.1749849 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1600351 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0600004 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0800152 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1350107 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1150503 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0599947 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0650053 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1399555 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1049747 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0600004 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0599947 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1400146 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1300049 units.
I had to round some italic corrections by 0.0050049 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0600004 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0800152 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1350107 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1150503 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0700054 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0500450 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1600351 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0999746 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0549898 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0500450 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1549702 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0950298 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0499907 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0500450 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1600351 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0999756 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0700054 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0500450 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1600351 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0999746 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0599947 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0499849 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1400156 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1049747 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0599947 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0499849 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1549702 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0999756 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0549898 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0449800 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1400156 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0999756 units.
I had to round some italic corrections by 0.0050049 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.0599947 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.0499849 units.
I had to round some heights by 0.1400156 units.
I had to round some depths by 0.1049747 units.