% !TEX TS-program = pdflatexmk % Template file for TeXShop by Michael Sharpe, LPPL \documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage[margin=1in]{geometry} \usepackage[parfill]{parskip}% Begin paragraphs with an empty line rather than an indent \usepackage{graphicx} \pdfmapfile{=libertinust1math.map} %SetFonts % libertine+newtxmath \usepackage[sb]{libertine} % use sb in place of bold \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage{textcomp} \makeatletter \def\LinuxLibertine@scale{1.2} \makeatother \usepackage[varqu,varl]{zi4}% inconsolata \usepackage{amsmath,amsthm} \usepackage[sansmath]{libertinust1math} %\usepackage[noamssymbols]{newtxmath} % option vvarbb gives you stix blackboard bold \useosf % use oldstyle figures except in math \usepackage[cal=boondoxo]{mathalfa}% less slanted than STIX cal %SetFonts \usepackage{booktabs} \pagestyle{empty} \begin{document} %\expandafter\meaning\csname mathsfbfit \endcsname {\tt Options=[sansmath]}\\ %\verb|\mathsf{x}+\mathsfbf{y}+\mathsfbfit{z}+\mathsfit(w)|} %\[\mathsf{x}\quad+\] %\quad\mathsfbf{y}\quad+\quad\mathsfbfit{z}\quad\text{$\backslash$mathsfit is undefined}\] The boundedness of $\Phi_ 0$ then yields \[\int_D|\overline\partial u|^2e^{\alpha |{z}|^2}\geq c_6\alpha \int_{D}|{u}|^2e^{\alpha|{z}|^2} +c_7\delta^{-2}\int_ A|{u}|^2e^{\alpha|{z}|^2}.\] Let $B(X)$ be the set of blocks of $\Lambda_{X}$ and let $b(X) \coloneq |{B(X)}|$. If $\phi \in Q_{X}$ then $\phi$ is constant on the blocks of $\Lambda_{X}$. \begin{equation}\label{far-d} P_{X} = \{ \phi \in M \mid \Lambda_{\phi} = \Lambda_{X} \}, \qquad Q_{X} = \{\phi \in M \mid \Lambda_{\phi} \geq \Lambda_{X} \}. \end{equation} If $\Lambda_{\phi} \geq \Lambda_{X}$ then $\Lambda_{\phi} = \Lambda_{Y}$ for some $Y \geq X$ so that \[ Q_{X} = \bigcup_{Y \geq X} P_{Y}. \] Thus by M\"obius inversion \[ P_{Y} = \sum_{X\geq Y} \mu (Y,X)Q_{\hat{X}}.\] Thus there is a bijection from $Q_{X}$ to $W^{B(X)}$. In particular $ |Q_{X}| = w^{b(X)}$. \ShowMathFonts %+\quad\mathsfit{w}\] \end{document} *** Mathgroups *** (0: \LS1/libertinust1math/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathsfrm at 14.39996pt [operators]) (1: \LS1/libertinust1math/m/it/12 = libertinust1-mathsfit at 14.39996pt [letters]) (2: \LS2/libertinust1mathsym/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathsym at 14.39996pt [symbols]) (3: \LS2/libertinust1mathex/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathex at 14.39996pt [largesymbols]) (4: \LS1/libertinust1mathbb/m/n/12 = libertinust1-mathbb at 14.39996pt [symbolsbb]) (5: \LS1/libertinust1math/b/n/12 = libertinust1-mathsfrm-bold at 14.39996pt [bold-operators]) (6: \LS1/libertinust1math/b/it/12 = libertinust1-mathsfit-bold at 14.39996pt [bold-letters])