OTTOpCFF 4a bFFTMckGDEFO@4GPOSA x? GSUBDGY(OS/28``TeX aR0cmap $headGA56hheaZ4$hmtx,L,kernx@maxp PXnamesTpost2 _< ~~ P 1P@JPfEd  */% DO ( >  J7    6  4 1Copyright (c) 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society (<>), with Reserved Font Name CMSSDC10. Copyright (c) 2014 Andrey V. PanovCopyright (c) 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society (), with Reserved Font Name CMSSDC10. Copyright (c) 2014 Andrey V. PanovCyrillic Modern Sans Serif DmCdCyrillic Modern Sans Serif DmCdRegularRegularFontForge 2.0 : NMSSDC10 : 26-12-2014FontForge 2.0 : NMSSDC10 : 26-12-2014NMSSDC10NMSSDC10Version 4.002 Version 4.002 NMSSDC10NMSSDC10 In loving memory of my parents, Tat'yana Sergeevna Lapteva and Valentin Mefod'yevich Panov The Cyrillic Modern fonts are based on the Computer Modern fonts designed in METAFONT by D. E. Knuth and released in the Type 1 format by the American Mathematical Society under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). The Cyrillic Modern fonts are intended to make the Cyrillic letters with classical shapes typical to the modern fonts. Currently, the fonts add support for the Russian language, the numero sign and quotation marks required for the Russian typesetting. Several Latin letters are changed making the Cyrillic Modern fonts closer to modern-style fonts, in particular, to Monotype Modern. So, these fonts break metric compatibility with the Computer Modern fonts. Currently, the following characters are changed in italic fonts "c", "e", "f", "k", "m", "r", "s", "u", "y", "ae", "oe" and Latin ligatures in roman fonts "m", Latin ligatures in sanserif fonts "x". For consistency, the modified mathematical italic fonts are provided. In the case when the Computer Modern fonts lack some symbols (for example, "less", "greater", "paragraph", etc.), these glyphs were copied from the Latin Modern fonts of Boguslaw Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki. ChangeLog ========= 2014-12-26 Andrey V. Panov Added opentype and opentype collection fonts. Added ruble sign and "bullet". Version 0.4 is released. 2014-06-20 Andrey V. Panov Completed ASCII table. 2014-03-20 Andrey V. Panov Added sanserif fonts. Modified "ae" and "oe" in italic fonts in accordance with "e". Modified "m" and Latin ligatures in roman fonts. Modified kerning for some pairs. Version 0.3 is released. 2013-12-24 Andrey V. Panov Changed the names of files and fonts from "km" to "nm". Added Cyrillic in Bold Italic font. Modified Latin lowercase letters in italic fonts. Version 0.2 is released. 2013-10-22 Andrey V. Panov Version 0.1 is released. In loving memory of my parents, Tat'yana Sergeevna Lapteva and Valentin Mefod'yevich Panov The Cyrillic Modern fonts are based on the Computer Modern fonts designed in METAFONT by D. E. Knuth and released in the Type 1 format by the American Mathematical Society under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). The Cyrillic Modern fonts are intended to make the Cyrillic letters with classical shapes typical to the modern fonts. Currently, the fonts add support for the Russian language, the numero sign and quotation marks required for the Russian typesetting. Several Latin letters are changed making the Cyrillic Modern fonts closer to modern-style fonts, in particular, to Monotype Modern. So, these fonts break metric compatibility with the Computer Modern fonts. Currently, the following characters are changed in italic fonts "c", "e", "f", "k", "m", "r", "s", "u", "y", "ae", "oe" and Latin ligatures in roman fonts "m", Latin ligatures in sanserif fonts "x". For consistency, the modified mathematical italic fonts are provided. In the case when the Computer Modern fonts lack some symbols (for example, "less", "greater", "paragraph", etc.), these glyphs were copied from the Latin Modern fonts of Boguslaw Jackowski and Janusz M. Nowacki. ChangeLog ========= 2014-12-26 Andrey V. Panov Added opentype and opentype collection fonts. Added ruble sign and "bullet". Version 0.4 is released. 2014-06-20 Andrey V. Panov Completed ASCII table. 2014-03-20 Andrey V. Panov Added sanserif fonts. Modified "ae" and "oe" in italic fonts in accordance with "e". Modified "m" and Latin ligatures in roman fonts. Modified kerning for some pairs. Version 0.3 is released. 2013-12-24 Andrey V. Panov Changed the names of files and fonts from "km" to "nm". Added Cyrillic in Bold Italic font. Modified Latin lowercase letters in italic fonts. Version 0.2 is released. 2013-10-22 Andrey V. Panov Version 0.1 is released. Cyrillic Modern Sans SerifCyrillic Modern Sans SerifDemi CondensedDemi Condensed`@ ~1SOQV    " & / o !"&- 1RQV   " % ( _ !"&-v>vuqA D   !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_lfbjkmniach`pqorwetuvgxs2 NMSSDC10+Ms3H5W &(*/69<AJS\enw"+4=FOXajs| '09BKT]fox %,3:AJS\cjqxnbspacesfthyphenGammaDeltaThetaLambdaXiPiSigmaUpsilonPhiPsiOmegaafii10023afii10055afii10017afii10018afii10019afii10020afii10021afii10022afii10024afii10025afii10026afii10027afii10028afii10029afii10030afii10031afii10032afii10033afii10034afii10035afii10036afii10037afii10038afii10039afii10040afii10041afii10042afii10043afii10044afii10045afii10046afii10047afii10048afii10049afii10065afii10066afii10067afii10068afii10069afii10070afii10072afii10073afii10074afii10075afii10076afii10077afii10078afii10079afii10080afii10081afii10082afii10083afii10084afii10085afii10086afii10087afii10088afii10089afii10090afii10091afii10092afii10093afii10094afii10095afii10096afii10097afii10071afii10103uni2000uni2001uni2002uni2003uni2004uni2005uni2006uni2007uni2008uni2009uni200Auni200Bafii61664afii301afii299afii300uni2010uni2011uni2028uni2029uni202Auni202Bafii61573afii61574afii61575uni202Funi205Funi2060uni2061uni2062uni2063uni2064uni2065uni2066uni2067uni2068uni2069uni206Auni206Buni206Cuni206Duni206Euni206Funi20BDafii61352uni262Ddotlessjsuppressx.origquotedblleft.alt4.002Copyright (c) 1997, 2009 American Mathematical Society (), with Reserved Font Name CMSSDC10. 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