{\raggedright \def\ln#1#2{\noindent$\bullet$#1 -- {\sl#2}\par} \def\TUG{\TeX\ Users Group} \centerline{\bf Ten Years of \TeX\ and \MF} \centerline{Stanford University, August 20--23, 1989} \centerline{\sl Updated Program as of April 25, 1989} \medskip \ln{Introduction to \MF }{Doug Henderson} \ln{From Character Set to Font}{Pierre MacKay} \ln{Opening Pandora's Box}{Neenie Billawala} \ln{Order into Chaos: Typesetting Factal Images}{Alan Hoenig} \ln{Design of Oriental Characters with \MF}{Don Hosek} \ln{Thai Languages and \MF}{Bob Batzinger} \ln{A \MF-like System with \PS\ Output}{John Hobby} \ln{Migration from Computer Modern Fonts to Times Fonts} {Ralph Youngen, Daniel Latterner \& William Woolf} \ln{Fine Typesetting with \TeX\ Using Native Autologic Fonts}{Arvin Conrad} \ln{Introduction to \TeX\ and \TeX\ Systems}{Bart Childs \& Alan Hoenig} \ln{The Errors of \TeX}{Don Knuth} \ln{Report from the Driver Standards Committee} {Robert McGaffey} \ln{Things to do in and around Palo Alto}{Ginger Brower} \ln{Of the Computer Scientist, by the Computer Scientist, for the Computer Scientist}{Michael Doob} \ln{Mastering \TeX\ with Templates}{Hope Hamilton} \ln{\TeX\ and its Versatility in Office Production}{Jo Ann Rattey-Hicks} \ln{\TeX\ for the Word Processing Operator}{Robin Kubek} \ln{\TeX\ in M\'exico}{Max D\'\i az} \ln{\TeX\ for 30,000}{James Haskell, Wally Deschene \& Alan Stolleis} \ln{\TeX\ Enslaved}{Alan Wittbecker} \ln{Methodologies for Preparing and Integrating \PS\ Graphics}{Tom Renfrow} \ln{\TeX pic -- Design and Implementation of a Picture Graphics Language in \TeX\ \`a la {\sl pic}} {Rolf Olejniczak} \ln{\TeX\ at {\it Mathematical Reviews}}{William Woolf \& Daniel Latterner} \ln{Lexicography with \TeX}{J\"orgen Pind} \ln{Automated Database Publishing -- Two Case Studies} {Alex Warman, Alun Vaughan \& Tim Kelly} \ln{\TeX\ Help Session}{Barbara Beeton} \ln{{\tt WEB} Help Session}{Wayne Sewell} \ln{The State of \TeX\ Users Groups in Europe}{\hbox{Malcolm} Clark} \ln{Keeping an Archive Dust Free}{Peter Abbott} \ln{\TeX reation -- Playing Games with \TeX's Mind} {Andrew Greene} \ln{Table Generation Techniques used in the Cellular Package }{John Pittman} \ln{Indexing \TeX's Commands}{Bill Cheswick} \ln{DVI File Processing Programs}{Stephan von Bechtolsheim} \ln{Using WordPerfect 5.0 to Create \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ Documents}{Anita Hoover} \ln{\TeX\ Macros for COBOL Syntax Diagrams}{Mary McClure} \ln{Coordinating a Procedural Language and Text Editor to Create an Efficient and Workable PC Interface for \TeX} {Brad Halverson \& Don Riley} \ln{General wrap-up and closing}{Bart Childs et al.} } \smallskip \rightline{\sl from TUG Program Committee}