\font\rmnine=cmr8 \centerline{\LaTeX\ style files}\medskip \noindent There are a great many \LaTeX\ style files available. Unfortunately, availability really means ``over {\it email\/}'' but nevertheless, it is worth listing the complete set of files which were present (at the last notification). Thanks to the efforts of Peter Abbott at Aston University, these files are available in the UK, and can be obtained by anyone who can plug into their VAX. This certainly covers all those with access to {\sc janet}, and probably covers {\sc uucp} people too. An access method for VAX users was given in Sebastian Rahtz' ``Bits of \hax'' article. Of course, not all the world is using {\it email}. But for the dispossessed among us, it is possible to obtain the style files on 5\frac1/4 floppy from David Hopper of Toronto, Canada who is offering copies of the style collection on diskettes. David is doing this in his own time as a favour to the \TeX\ community. The entire set of style files, not including the C-\TeX\ files, as of June 1st, fits on one 1.2 MB diskette or three 360KB diskettes. No subsetting, please. Send David: formatted diskettes; indication of the format required; a self-addressed mailer; and a \$5.00 donation per set of files, to cover postage and equipment wear \& tear. (If you live outside North America, airmail delivery will probably require more postage. Contact David for details.) David's address: {\obeylines\parindent2em David W. Hopper, 446 Main Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4C 4Y2 } \noindent Since this seemed rather roundabout to me, I have copied all the files (including C-\TeX) to 5\frac1/4 {\sc ms-dos} floppy and 3\frac1/2 Macintosh diskette for distribution in the UK. I cannot obtain 3 floppies for \$5 Canadian (about \quid3.00), so my prices are higher. I can distribute the style files for \quid10.00 per 5 5\frac1/4 inch or \quid7.50 for 3 3\frac1/2 inch diskettes. For some reason, my copying was less compact than David's. I may investigate one of the public domain compression utilities, in order to cut the cost. C-\TeX\ has been separated out from the style files, and is available on 4 5\frac1/4 inch floppies, in {\sc backup/restore} format. I have stored them in this way to retain the directory structure so that the extra files which come with C-\TeX\ make sense. I have not yet put the C-\TeX\ files onto Macintosh format, but if there is a requirement I can do this too. The list given below is slightly out of date, and there have been some additions. The most noticeable change is with the TeXtyl files, which have been slightly reorganised, and include {\sc unix} and VMS versions. John Renner, a former student of John Gourlay's, now at Adobe, wrote TeXtyl to allow \TeX\ users to draw lines and curves in their documents. It is actually a postprocessor: \TeX\ is run on an input file containing |\special|s which define a drawing, and then TeXtyl is run on the |dvi| file to obtain a new |dvi| file in which the |\special|s are replaced with |dvi| commands to print the lines and curves by piecing together small characters from special fonts. However, if you want any these files, you have to take the lot. Like David Hopper, I do not intend to subdivide. I will try to keep the files ``current'', and emulating Maria Code, to obtain an update, you have to take the entire set again. \goodbreak{\rmnine\baselineskip=9pt \settabs \+ aaai-instructions.tex\quad&nopagenumbers.doc\quad&ucthesi \cr \+ 00directory&format.sty&slem.doc \cr \+ 00index&fullpage.doc&slem.sty \cr \+ 00readme&fullpage.sty&spacecites.doc \cr \+ a4.sty&geophysics.sty&spacecites.sty \cr \+ a4wide.sty&german.sty&suthesis.doc \cr \+ aaai-instructions.tex&ieeetr.bst&suthesis.sty \cr \+ aaai-named.bst&ist21.sty&texindex.doc \cr \+ aaai.sty&latex.bug&texindex.pas \cr \+ acm.bst&layout.readme&texindex.sty \cr \+ agugrl.sample&layout.tex&texnames.doc \cr \+ agugrl.sty&lcustom.tex&texnames.sty \cr \+ agujgr.sample&lfonts\_ams.readme&textyl.readme \cr \+ agujgr.sty&lfonts\_ams.tex&textyl.shar1 \cr \+ amssymbols.sty&lgraph.shar&textyl.shar2 \cr \+ art10.txt&local.suppl&textyl.shar3 \cr \+ art11.txt&memo.sty&textyl.shar4 \cr \+ art12.txt&mfr.sty&textyl.shar5 \cr \+ article.txt&mitthesis.sample&textyl.shar6 \cr \+ biihead.sty&mitthesis.sty&textyl.shar7 \cr \+ ctex.readme&natsci.bst&textyl.shar8 \cr \+ ctex.shar1&newalpha.bst&textyl.shar9 \cr \+ ctex.shar2&nopagenumbers.doc&tgrind.sty \cr \+ ctex.shar3&nopagenumbers.sty&threepart.sty \cr \+ ctex.shar4&remark.sty&titlepage.txt \cr \+ ctex.shar5&resume.sample&trademark.sty \cr \+ ctex.shar6&resume.sty&uct10.doc \cr \+ cyrillic.sty&sc21-wg1.sty&uct11.doc \cr \+ dayofweek.tex&sc21.sty&uct12.doc \cr \+ deproc.sty&sfwmac.sty&ucthesis.doc \cr \+ deprocldc.tex&showlabels.sty&ucthesis.readme \cr \+ docsty.c&siam.bib&uuencode.shar \cr \+ docsty.readme&siam.bst&vdm.doc \cr \+ doublespace.sty&siam.doc&vdm.sty \cr \+ draft.sty&siam.sty&vdm.tex \cr \+ drafthead.sty&siam.tex&ws87.p \cr \+ dvidoc.shar1&siam10.doc&wsltex.c \cr \+ dvidoc.shar2&siam10.sty&wsltex.p \cr \+ epic.shar1&siam11.sty&xxxcustom.tex \cr \+ epic.shar2&siam12.sty&xxxslides.sty \cr} \rightline{\sl Malcolm Clark}