\centerline{\bf A Review of Two Books} \noindent{\sl PostScript Language Tutorial and Cookbook}, Adobe Systems Inc., 1985, 244pp. Published by Addison Wesley, price {\it\$}16.30. \noindent{\sl PostScript Language Reference Manual}, Adobe Systems Inc., 1985, 321pp. Published by Addison Wesley, price {\it\$}21.95. \medskip \centerline{\it Brief Introduction to PostScript} \noindent PostScript (a trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.) is a programming language intended for a wide variety of printing devices, but its capabilities are best supported on laser-printers or phototypesetters. It was created by Adobe Systems Inc.\ as a page description language, to be directly interpreted by intelligent printers. In most cases, \PS\ programs will be generated automatically by higher level document-processing systems: a first glance at a \PS\ program will confirm this view. However, the reward for learning the language is a facility to create eye-catching graphical effects with comparatively simple programs. \medskip \centerline{\it Tutorial and Cookbook} \noindent This book is an excellent introduction to the philosophy and programming of \PS. It is easy to read and presents the language in an interesting way. The tutorial begins by introducing \PS\ as both a page description and a full programming language. To understand \PS\ programs, it is necessary to be familiar with ``stacks'' and the basic elements of structured programming. Fortunately the book dedicates two chapters to these fundamentals, explaining them well with the aid of some simple examples. More advanced facilities in graphics and character-printing are introduced gradually with many clear illustrations of the output from simple programs. Examples are frequently re-used to illustrate more advanced techniques, making it easier to see the relative advantages from using them. Quite impressive graphics are shown as the results of elementary programs, emphasising the new possibilities offered by \PS. Following the tutorial, the cookbook is a spectacular gallery of \PS\ plates. It shows the large range of effects that can be created from programs written by a more skilled programmer. Each plate is presented with the text of the program and explanations on the facing page. This section should act as an inspiration for programmers-to-be and a source of ideas for people who have learned the language. \medskip \centerline{\it \PS\ Language Reference Manual} \noindent This gives a more detailed account of the ideas behind \PS, but requires more concentration than the tutorial. It does not attempt to give techniques for the effective programming of \PS. The second half of the book is a dictionary of \PS\ commands, with formal definitions of the syntax and precise function of each command. One of the more interesting commands listed is called {\tt image}. We tried this command with part of a monochrome television picture, downloaded from our department's VAX. This was successfully reproduced though having the appearance of a photocopied picture. \medskip \centerline{\it Conclusion} \noindent Anyone intending to use \PS\ should have both these books. Q.E.D. \rightline{\sl Andrew J.~Stirling} \bigskip \centerline{\bf More \PS} \medskip\noindent The \PS\ snowball seems to be gathering momentum, as IBM has now chosen \PS\ as its preferred ``desktop publishing'' standard. Adobe calculates that there are no less than 23 laser printers supporting the language. I still harbour a sneeky suspicion that a ``page description language'' is not really addressing the problem of documents, which, after all, have a structure over and above that of page level. The DDL (Document Description Language) of Imagen and Hewlett-Packard seems conceptually more apposite, but at least we are advancing in the right direction. In a letter to TUGboat, Leslie Lamport makes some interesting observations on the relationship between \PS\ and {\tt dvi}. Fundamentally Lamport feels that the rest of the world is going to adopt \PS\ as the device-independent output format, and that \TeX\ would have wider applicability if it too generated \PS. Part of the immediate problem in doing this lies in fonts. {\sl FTL systems inc} have already converted the CMR fonts to \PS\ form, rather than pixel, so the problems may not be insuperable. He also notes the desirability of \MF\ producing \PS\ fonts, complete with {\tt .tfm} files. I'm a little less sanguine than Lamport about the inevitability of \PS. I suspect we will shortly see a generation of laser-printers which have a switch with three positions: \PS, InterPress and DDL, depending on the application required. If we are lucky, this will be software selectable. Of course, one of the major reasons that Xerox, Imagen etc.\ will not accept \PS\ lies in Adobe's patenting of the character encoding form they use. Other manufacturers therefore have to create their own incompatible system in order to compete. If only Gutenburg had managed to patent the printing press, we could still be in the Dark Ages. I jest not. \rightline{\sl Malcolm W Clark}