\def\gut#1:#2:#3*#4.{\smallskip\noindent {\it #1\/}: #2, pp.#4: #3\smallskip} \catcode`\<=\active \def<{% \ifmmode\ll\else\leavevmode\raise1pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\ll$}\fi} \catcode`\>=\active \def>{% \ifmmode\gg\else\leavevmode\raise1pt\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\gg$}\fi} \centerline{\bf Cahiers GUTenberg} \centerline{\bf Summaries from Number 9, July 1991:} \gut Polices, \TeX\ et Cie: Alain Cousquer \& \'Eric Picheral: The purpose of this paper is to introduce the principles of the handling of the fonts in \TeX\ together with their usage, and the pattern of the fonts which is more straightforward than in \PS. We also explain the complex mechanisms of selection which do not usually appear, and finally we present virtual fonts as well as various files used with \TeX.*3--31. \gut Lucida, une fonte compl\`ete pour \LaTeXsl, et son installation: Philippe Louarn: This paper presents an experimentation of using the font Lucida and its math extension inside \LaTeX\ documents. We explain our choice, and we show benefits, and also disadvanages, of this choice. The last part of the paper is a brief summary ofthe installation procedure.*32--40. \gut The Economist polit ses polices: Olivier Nicole (translator): In its issue dated May 25th, The Economist devoted a full spread to the reasons behind its change of type face. The British economic weekly magazine's effort at giving full information on a `face lift' that may go unnoticed by most readers illustrates a trend which is about to revolutionize the publishing trades.*41--48. \gut Grif et l'\'edition de documents structur\'es: nouveaux d\'eveloppements: Vincent Quint, Ir\`ene Vatton, Jacques Andr\'e \& H\'el\`ene Richy: Grif is an interactive system for the production and viewing of structured documents. It allows manipulation of complex documents containing mathematical formulas, tables, schemas, etc., placing the stress on the logical organisation of the documents. This article presents the pricipal characteristics of the system in its present state and highlights the line of its future development.*49--65. \gut Typographie du jeu d'\'echecs: Henry Thomas: Presents different solutions for typesetting chess, in \LaTeX, \PS, and Macintosh specific applications.*66--73. \gut Star-\TeX: Andr\'e Heck: \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ have been used from the beginning and are still extensively used by astronomers and space scientists around the world for their mail, for writing papers, for putting together newsletters, proceedings, reports, books and so on. Some publishers have also set up their own sets of macros for journals and\slash or book series. It seems however that there is a tendency to pull out of \TeX\ and go towards more user friendly systems.*75--78. \gut Quand \TeX\ rencontre Mozart\dots: Yannis Haralambous: A report of the \Dante\ meeting held in Vienna on 20th--22nd February 1991.*79--81. \gut L'association\dots\ fait la force: Bernard Gaulle: The recent events in the {\La}\TeX\ world like the work on fonts with 256 characters or the first book published by \GUTenberg\ or lastly the preparation of the 6th European \TeX\ Conference, demonstrate the usefuleness and the benefit of the association of people working in a team. This article ends with a call for volunteers.*83--85. \medskip \centerline{\bf Summaries from Number 10--11,} \centerline{\bf September 1991:} \smallskip \gut Russian \TeX: Basil Malyshev, Alaxander Samarin \& Dimitri Vulis: This article presents the \TeX\ extension for processing the russian texts. Russian \TeX\ is based on version 3.0 and virtual fonts. The different coding schemes for russian characters are allowed.*1--6. \gut \TeX niques in Siberia: Theo Jurriens: This article summarizes the problems of giving a \LaTeX\ course in Siberia. It concludes with an overview concerning the future of \TeX\ inside the USSR.*7--13. \gut \TeX\ and Africa: J\"org Knappen: At the present time, \TeX\ is not usable for typesetting many african languages. They use special letters which do not occur in the standard fonts (and are not included in the ec-scheme). The letters used in the major languages of africa can be put into {\it one} font. A font encoding scheme (fc) and some \MF\ code is prepared. There is some work in progress on hausa \TeX.*15--24. \gut Vers une version arabis\'ee de \TeX: Oussama Boughaba, Seifeddine Boutalbi \& Michel Fanton: This paper presents the state of development of an arabicized version of \TeX.*25--44. \gut \TeX\ integrated shell for IBM pc: Basil Malyshev \& Alexander Samarin: This article presents the \TeX\ Integerated Shell (TIS) -- special environment for \TeX\ on IBM pc to conceal some problems from an ordinary user. TIS contains the screen interface for different actions during \TeX ing. It can be configured to satisfy the user's requirements and hardwre and software conditions. It downloads only the files to be used, in particular, pixel font files are required for a given \dvi\ file.*45--55. \gut Automatic generation of virtual fonts with accented letters of \TeX: Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatu\v ska: This paper presents an approach towards deriving fonts with accented letters for European languages using virtual fonts as an alternative to the development of genuine new fonts in the \MF. The {\tt accents} processor is presented as a tool for mechanization of the process by enabling automatic generation of accented font layout and the virtual font definition from the \tfm\ file of the source font in the \TeX\ text encoding, and from an auxiliary input containing corrections of accent placement for specific characters.*57--68. \gut Scholar\TeX: Yannis Haralambous: Scholar\TeX\ is a software package consisting of fonts, \TeX-executables, and a detailed manual with examples and exercises. Scholar\TeX\ allows easy and efficient use of \TeX\ for typesetting in Arabic, Persian, Ottoman, Pashto, Urdu, Hebrew, Yiddish, Estrangelo, Armenian, Greek, Latin, Fraktur, Schabacher, Anglo-Saxon: others are planned.*69--70. \gut Babel, a multilingual style-option system: \hskip-4ptJohannes Braams: The babel system of style options attempts to adapt (\La)\TeX\ to a multi-lingual environment.*71--2. \gut \TeX\char'72\ les limites du multingualisme: Michel Fanton: This paper describes the specific features of arabic typesetting and gives an account ofthe price to pay in developing an arabicized version of \TeX.*73--79. \gut An international version of makeindex: Joachim Schrod: makeindex\ is a powerful and portable index processor which may be used with several formatters. But it is only usable for English texts; non-English texts, especially with non-Latin alphabets, like Russian, Arabic, or Chinese, may bot be easily worked on. The tagging of index entries is often tedious and error-prone. If a markup is used with the index key, an explicit sort key must be given. A new version of \makeindex\ is presented which allows the automatic creation of sort keys from index keys by user specific mappings. Furthermore it needs less main memory than the former one, and may now be used for large indexes even on small computers.*81--90. \gut Conversion of Microsoft Word into \LaTeXsl: Paul Bacsich, Ethel Hayes, Paul Lefrere \& Geoff Yarwood: We describe a program which converts Microsoft Rich Text Format files into standard \LaTeX. This program converts glyphs, character attributes, style information, fonts, lists and tables to their `equivalents' (if any) to \LaTeX. The latest version of the program also converts mathematical mark-up on Word Formula Mode to the \LaTeX\ equivalents.*91. \gut AsTeX: an integerated and customizable multiwindow environment for scientific research: Michael Lavaud: As\TeX\ is a program that runs on a pc under the control of Framework 3, and trabsforms it into an integrated and customizable multiwindow environment for scientific research, as comfortable to use as the one of a workstation. It includes a hypertext-like file manager which allows classificationa nd archiving of all teh files related to the current document by means of a hierarchy of explicit titles. It also has an interface with a local or remote Fortran compiler, allowing numerical computations from a \LaTeX\ document. Similarly there is an interface to the computer algabra program Maple.*93--116. \gut Tailored database publishing with \TeX: Steen Larsen \& Arne Flemming Jensen: \TeX\ is well suited to produce inventories such as bibliographies or dictionaries. Such publications are characterized by a large number of entries, a high uniformity of structure, typographical variation, and high demands on line and page breaking. Sorting of entries and compiling of indices will often be necessary. The paper presents an approach chosenwhen establishing a tailored \TeX-based database publishing system for the bibliography Nordic Archaeological Abstracts. The solution was implemented by combining theree different systems: an interface management system, a database management system, and \TeX. The system is described and compared to the previous editor-based production, and future possibilities are briefly sketched.*117--134. \gut Drawing tree structures with GWEZ: Bernard Leguy: GWEZ is a set of macros able to build tree structures and to draw them; these macros are written with \TeX; they use only plain \TeX\ commands and fonts and can be used as well with \LaTeX.*135--146. \gut Math into BLUes\char'72\ Sing your song: Kees van der Laan: \TeX ing mathscripts is not simply typing. Math has to be translated into \TeX\ commands. First the motivation for this work is given. Next traditional math page make-up is summarized along with the macroscopic math \TeX\ commands. After answering `Why is \TeX ing mathscripts difficult?' an anthology of \TeX\ falls and their antidotes is discussed. At the end suggestions are given in order to lessen the difficulties.*147--170. \gut Organizing a large collection of stylefiles: Angelika Binding: Springer Verlag has to maintain a large collection of macro packages for different layouts, for which there are versions both for plain \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ and for different sets of fonts. We therefore designed a concept of modularising these packages and have implemented mechanisms to creat format files loading our individual set of fonts without changing the syandard format files |plain| and |lplain|.*171--184. \gut Typesetting SGML documents using \TeX: Andrew E Dobrowolski: Since its publication as an international standard in 1986, the Standard Generlaized Markup Language (\sgml) has become the preferred document markup standard within many industries. The users have devekloped their own document type definitions (DTDs) which define the elements (tag sets) for their documents. However, if \sgml\ is to become a universally accepted standard of document interchange then a standard way to specify formatted output and a means of producing that output will be needed. \TeX\ can be used as the formatting engine to implement FOSI-based (Formatted Output Specification Instance) formatting, as required by the CALS (Computer-aided Acquisition and Logistic Support) initiative which selected \sgml\ as the text interchange standard, and FOSI as the means of formatted output specification exchange. Without extending \TeX\ not every FOSI formatting request can be fulfilled. Converesely, certain \TeX\ capabilities cannot be formulated in terms of FOSI characteristics. However, a FOSI/\TeX\ based formatting system would be a major advance towards fulfilling the document interchange needs of a growing community of \sgml\ users.*185--196. \gut Vers la construction de macros de mise en coleur pour \TeX: Christophe C\'erin: Presents a step-by-step approach to putting colour in \TeX\ documents.*197--206. \gut Wysiwyg-\TeX-editors on the basis of object-oriented system technology: Bernd Schmid: Describes the motivation behind the development of a \wysiwyg-editor which is based on an object-oriented programming methodology and \TeX.*208. \gut Lucida, une fonte compl\`ete pour \LaTeXsl\ et son installation: Philippe Louarn: Presents an experiment in using the Lucida fonts including the maths and extension fonts, in \LaTeX\ documents. We explain the benefits and disadvantages of this choice. We also include a short summary of installation procedures.*208. \gut Composition des formules chimiques en \TeX: Maurice Laugier: Formatting chemical formulae with \TeX\ needs some special macros to describe links and ramifications. Here are presented some macros to format equations.*209--221.