@ARTICLE{ross, author = {Maloney}, title = {my greatest thoughts}, journal = {hi hopes}, year = {1999}, volume = {12}, number = {4}, pages = {56-90}, month = {may}, note = {fdertg.}, uplink = {ummy}, crosslink = {freinds, family}, externlink = {summary.txt} } @ARTICLE{a, author = {b}, title = {c}, journal = {d}, year = {e}, volume = {f}, number = {g}, pages = {h}, month = {g}, note = {jklo}, uplink = {x}, crosslink = {y}, externlink = {q} } @ARTICLE{ross2, author = {Maloney, Ross}, title = {further thoughts}, journal = {hi hopes}, year = {2000}, volume = {3}, number = {4}, pages = {12-90}, month = {may}, note = {defrgth.}, uplink = {mummy}, crosslink = {daddy, friends}, externlink = {summary.txt} } @ARTICLE{xx, author = {yy}, title = {zz}, journal = {xx}, year = {fg} } @ARTICLE{df, author = {fg}, title = {hj}, journal = {fg}, year = {fg} } @ARTICLE{d, author = {f}, title = {g}, journal = {h}, year = {j}, volume = {d}, number = {f}, pages = {g}, month = {e}, note = {dfg}, uplink = {d}, crosslink = {f}, externlink = {g} } @ARTICLE{ross, author = {ff}, title = {xx}, journal = {ghj}, year = {1990}, uplink = {dfg}, crosslink = {zxc bn}, externlink = {def nkl} } @INPROCEEDINGS{adc:2000, author = {me}, title = {mine}, booktitle = {fgt}, year = {2000}, pages = {34--67}, address = {My Place}, organization = {Org One} } @INPROCEEDINGS{xyz:2000, author = {me and mine}, title = {my paper}, booktitle = {paapers}, year = {2000}, series = {dd}, pages = {56--90}, month = {June}, publisher = {dfg}, annote = {This is a second silly test of the annotation capacity of the InProceedings entry field. } }