\documentclass{article} \usepackage{times} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc} \setlength\parskip{\medskipamount} \setlength\parindent{0pt} \usepackage{color} \usepackage{hyperref} \newcommand{\findbib}{\texttt{findbib} } \makeatletter \begin{document} \author{Kevin Goldstein} \title{Findbib documentation\date{}} \maketitle The simple shell script, \texttt{findbib}, gets a latex source file and finds the needed bibtex records in the physics archive at WWW-SPIRES.SLAC.STANFORD.EDU.\footnote{ \textcolor{red}{Note that this shell script runs only under *nix}.} References must be in one of the following forms: \begin{itemize} \item A SPIRES key: eg. \textbackslash{}cite\{Witten:1997ep\} \item A new arXiv number: eg. \textbackslash{}cite\{0704.0001\} \item An old arXiv number: eg. \textbackslash{}cite\{hep-th/9703030\} or \textbackslash{}cite\{9703030\}. \end{itemize} SPIRES has provided a unique ``two letter label'' attached to each paper following the Author:Year identification. For example, ``ep'' in Witten:1997ep. Of course, one has to look on SPIRES to know them. However, eprint numbers, like hep-th/yymmxxx, yymmxxx and yymm.xxxx, are also supported labels. This allows you to retrieve the full record from just the arxiv numbers. If no arxiv name is specified, the scripts will search hep-th by default. This behaviour can be changed by editing the script. The scripts use awk, sed, lynx, bibtex and sometimes \LaTeX~to generate the \texttt{.aux} file. Further details inside the files. Let me know of suggestions, improvements at: \texttt{billnaai{[}\textasciitilde{}at\textasciitilde{}]gmail\{-dot-\}com} \section{Useage} \texttt{findbib [-a] filename.tex } If the option \texttt{-a} is selected, the script will only add new citations. The default behaviour is to create a new bibliography. By default the bibliography is called \texttt{filename.bib}. \section{Installation} After you untar it: \texttt{tar xzvf findbib.tar.gz}, just put \findbib on your path and render it executable: \texttt{chmod u+x findbib} You also need to install awk, sed, lynx and ofcourse latex. (There is also a file, example.tex, that you can test the script on). \section{Acknowledgements} This script is a modified version of the script originally by Fabrizio Nesti. -------- From the original script by Fabrizio Nesti: And thanks to Hrvoje `Harv' Galic at SPIRES for collaboration! \end{document}