%------------------------------------------------------------------------ % Set default counters %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \setlength{\parindent}{0em} \setlength{\parskip}{2ex} \setlength{\topmargin}{-2cm} \setlength{\headheight}{0cm} \setlength{\textheight}{23cm} \setlength{\textwidth}{15cm} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{0.5cm} \setlength{\evensidemargin}{0.5cm} %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % enu: my own enumeration environment %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \newcounter{enu} \newenvironment {enu}% {\begin{list} {\arabic{enu}.}% {\usecounter{enu} \setlength {\parskip}{0ex} \setlength {\itemsep} {-1ex} \setlength {\topsep} {-1.5ex}}}% {\end{list} \vspace{1.5ex}} %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % dotlist: my own itemize environment %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \newenvironment {dotlist}% {\begin{list} {$ \bullet $}% {\setlength {\itemsep} {-1ex} \setlength {\parskip}{0ex} \setlength {\topsep} {-1.5ex}}}% {\end{list} \vspace{1.5ex}} %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % varlist: my own variable list environment %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \newenvironment {varlist}% {\begin{list} {{\bf You forgot the label}}% {\setlength {\itemsep} {-1ex} \setlength {\parskip}{0ex} \setlength {\topsep} {-1.5ex}}}% {\end{list} \vspace{1.5ex}} %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % putcross: put a figure's cross reference name instead of the figure % itself % % args: - #1: the height of the figure in inches % - #2: the cross reference keyword for the figure. %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \setlength {\unitlength} {1in} \newcommand{\putcross}[2]% {\begin{picture}(3,#1) \put(0.5,0.5){#2} \end{picture}} %------------------------------------------------------------------------ % some commands necessary because '<' and '>' are not available in Roman % font: left hook (lh) and right hook (rh). %------------------------------------------------------------------------ \newcommand {\lh} {{\sc <}} \newcommand {\rh} {{\sc >}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % This file should be 'input' into a tex file to change from % using the computer modern fonts to using the postscript % printer esident Times-Roman font. % % Only the roman, bold and italic typefaces are changed. You can % redefine other fonts in a similar fashion or create other files % that use other postscript fonts. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % Times-Roman at 5pt % \font\fivrm = psmtimr at 5pt \font\fivbf = psmtimb at 5pt \font\fivit = psmtimi at 5pt % % Times-Roman at 6pt % \font\sixrm = psmtimr at 6pt \font\sixbf = psmtimb at 6pt \font\sixit = psmtimi at 6pt % % Times-Roman at 7pt % \font\sevrm = psmtimr at 7pt \font\sevbf = psmtimb at 7pt \font\sevit = psmtimi at 7pt % % Times-Roman at 8pt % \font\egtrm = psmtimr at 8pt \font\egtbf = psmtimb at 8pt \font\egtit = psmtimi at 8pt % % Times-Roman at 9pt % \font\ninrm = psmtimr at 9pt \font\ninbf = psmtimb at 9pt \font\ninit = psmtimi at 9pt \font\nintt = psmcou at 9pt % typewriter mapped on Courier \hyphenchar\nintt = -1 % suppress hyphenation % % Times-Roman at 10pt % \font\tenrm = psmtimr at 10pt \font\tenbf = psmtimb at 10pt \font\tenit = psmtimi at 10pt \font\tensl = psmhlvo at 10pt % mapped on Helvetica-Oblique \font\tensf = psmhlv at 10pt % mapped on Helvetica \font\tentt = psmcou at 10pt % typewriter mapped on Courier \hyphenchar\tentt = -1 % suppress hyphenation % % Times-Roman at 11pt % \font\elvrm = psmtimr at 11pt \font\elvbf = psmtimb at 11pt \font\elvit = psmtimi at 11pt \font\elvsl = psmhlvo at 11pt % mapped on Helvetica-Oblique \font\elvsf = psmhlv at 11pt % mapped on Helvetica \font\elvtt = psmcou at 11pt % typewriter mapped on Courier \hyphenchar\elvtt = -1 % suppress hyphenation % % Times-Roman at 12pt % \font\twlrm = psmtimr at 12pt \font\twlbf = psmtimb at 12pt \font\twlit = psmtimi at 12pt \font\twlsl = psmhlvo at 12pt % mapped on Helvetica-Oblique \font\twlsf = psmhlv at 12pt % mapped on Helvetica \font\twltt = psmcou at 12pt % typewriter mapped on Courier \hyphenchar\twltt = -1 % suppress hyphenation % % Times-Roman at 14pt % \font\frtnrm = psmtimr at 14pt \font\frtnbf = psmtimb at 14pt \font\frtnit = psmtimi at 14pt % % Times-Roman at 17pt % \font\svtnrm = psmtimr at 17pt \font\svtnbf = psmtimb at 17pt \font\svtnit = psmtimi at 17pt % % Times-Roman at 20pt % \font\twtyrm = psmtimr at 20pt \font\twtybf = psmtimb at 20pt \font\twtyit = psmtimi at 20pt % % Times-Roman at 25pt % \font\twfvrm = psmtimr at 25pt \font\twfvbf = psmtimb at 25pt \font\twfvit = psmtimi at 25pt % % visible fourteen point fonts \font\fourteenrm = psmtimr at 14pt \font\fourteenit = psmtimi at 14pt \font\fourteenbf = psmtimb at 14pt \font\fourteentt = psmcou at 14pt \hyphenchar\fourteentt = -1 % suppress hyphenation in \tt font % % visible seventeen point fonts \font\seventeenrm = psmtimr at 17pt \font\seventeenit = psmtimi at 17pt \font\seventeenbf = psmtimb at 17pt \font\seventeentt = psmcou at 17pt \hyphenchar\seventeentt = -1 % suppress hyphenation in \tt font % % visible twenty point fonts \font\twentyrm = psmtimr at 20pt \font\twentyit = psmtimi at 20pt \font\twentybf = psmtimb at 20pt \font\twentytt = psmcou at 20pt \hyphenchar\twentytt = -1 % suppress hyphenation in \tt font % % visible twentyfour point fonts -- \magstep 6 \font\twentyfourrm = psmtimr at 24pt \font\twentyfourit = psmtimi at 24pt \font\twentyfourbf = psmtimb at 24pt \font\twentyfourtt = psmcou at 24pt \hyphenchar\twentyfourtt = -1 % suppress hyphenation in \tt font % % visible twentynine point fonts -- \magstep 7 \font\twentyninerm = psmtimr at 29pt \font\twentynineit = psmtimi at 29pt \font\twentyninebf = psmtimb at 29pt \font\twentyninett = psmcou at 29pt \hyphenchar\twentyninett = -1 % suppress hyphenation in \tt font % % visible thirtyfour point fonts -- \magstep 8 % \font\thirtyfourrm = psmtimr at 34pt % \font\thirtyfourit = psmtimi at 34pt % \font\thirtyfourbf = psmtimb at 34pt % \font\thirtyfourtt = psmcou at 34pt % \hyphenchar\thirtyfourtt = -1 % suppress hyphenation in \tt font % % fortyone point fonts % \font\fortyonerm = psmtimr at 41pt