Encode::CNMap version 0.15

    Encode::CNMap - enhanced Chinese encodings with
    Simplified-Traditional auto-mapping

    use Encode;
    use Encode::CNMap;

    # Simplified encoding (GBK/GB) -> Big5 encoding い地い地
    printf "[Mixed GBK] %s", $data;
    printf " -> [Traditional Big5] %s\n", simp_to_b5($data);

    # Simplified encoding (GBK/GB) -> GB2312 encoding 中华中华
    printf "[Mixed GBK] %s", $data;
    printf " -> [Simplified GB2312] %s\n", simp_to_gb($data);
    # Traditional encoding (Big5) -> GB2312 encoding 中华中华
    printf "[Traditional Big5] %s", $data;
    printf " -> [Simplified GB2312] %s\n", trad_to_gb($data);

    # Traditional encoding (Big5) -> GBK encoding 中華中華
    printf "[Traditional Big5] %s", $data;
    printf " -> [Mixed GBK] %s\n", trad_to_gbk($data);

    # Encoding with Simplified<->Traditional Auto-Converting
    $data=Encode::decode("gbk", "中華中华");
    printf "Traditional Big5: %s\n", encode_to_b5($data);
    printf "Simplified GB2312: %s\n", encode_to_gb($data);
    printf "Mixed GBK: %s\n", encode_to_gbk($data);

    cnmap "-command" [ *inputfile* ...] > *outputfile*
    cnmapdir "-command" *inputdir/file* *outputdir/file*

    % cnmap -s2b5 gbk.txt > big5.txt
    % cnmap -s2gb gbk.txt > gb.txt
    % cnmap -t2gb big5.txt > gb.txt
    % cnmap -t2gbk big5.txt big5-2.txt > gbk.txt

    % cnmapdir -s2b5 gbkdir big5dir
    % cnmapdir -s2gb gbkdir gbdir
    % cnmapdir -t2gb big5dir gbdir
    % cnmapdir -t2gbk big5dir gbkdir

    This module implements China-based Chinese charset encodings.
    Encodings supported are as follows.

      Canonical   Alias     Description
      gb2312-simp           Enhanced GB2312 simplified chinese encoding
      big5-trad             Enhanced Big5 traditional chinese encoding

    To find how to use this module in detail, see Encode.


To install this module type the following:

   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install
   enc2xs -C       # optional; updates Encode.pm's on-demand loading DB


This module requires perl version 5.8.0 or later.


Copyright (C) 2003 Qing-Jie Zhou <qjzhou@hotmail.com>

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the same terms as Perl itself.