NAME WebService::Bloglines - Easy-to-use Interface for Bloglines Web Services SYNOPSIS use WebService::Bloglines; my $bloglines = WebService::Bloglines->new( username => $username, password => $password, # password is optional for notify() ); # get the number of unread items using Notifer API my $notifier = $bloglines->notify(); # list subscriptions using Sync API my $subscription = $bloglines->listsubs(); # list all feeds my @feeds = $subscription->feeds(); for my $feed (@feeds) { my $title = $feed->{title}; # title of the feed my $url = $feed->{htmlUrl}; # URL for HTML my $type = $feed->{type}; # "rss" my $xml = $feed->{xmlUrl}; # URL for XML my $subid = $feed->{BloglinesSubId}; # Blogines SubId my $unread = $feed->{BloglinesUnread}; # number of unread items my $ignore = $feed->{BloglinesIgnore}; # flag to ignore update } # list folders my @folders = $subscription->folders(); for my $folder (@folders) { my $title = $folder->{title}; # title of the folder my $subid = $folder->{BloglinesSubId}; # Bloglines SubId my $ignore = $folder->{BloglinesIgnore}; # flag to ignore update my @feeds = $subscription->feeds_in_folder($subid); } # list feeds in root folder my @root_feeds = $subscription->feeds_in_folder(); # no args or just use $subId = 0 # get new items using Sync API my $update = $bloglines->getitems($subId); # $update = $bloglines->getitems($subId, 1); # mark unread items as read # $update = $bloglines->getitems($subId, 1, $unixtime); # items from $unixtime # get channel information my $feed = $update->feed(); $feed->{title}; # channel/title $feed->{link}; # channel/link $feed->{description}; # channel/description $feed->{bloglines}->{siteid}; # bloglines::siteid $feed->{language}; # language for my $item ($update->items) { my $title = $item->{title}; my $creator = $item->{dc}->{creator}; my $link = $item->{link}; my $guid = $item->{guid}; my $description = $item->{description}; my $pubDate = $item->{pubDate}; # "Mon, 27 Sep 2004 8:04:17 GMT" my $itemid = $item->{bloglines}->{itemid}; } DESCRIPTION WebService::Bloglines priovides you an Object Oriented interface for Bloglines Web Services (BWS). It currently supports Notifier API and Sync API. See for details. METHODS TBD. TODO * Cacheability using Cache::Cache API. * Use LibXML to parse OPML? WARNING This module is in beta version. Object interface it provides may be changed later. AUTHOR Tatsuhiko Miyagawa <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Blog Hacks: (in Japanese)