NAME Perl6::Build - build rakudo Perl6 SYNOPSIS Usage: $ perl6-build [options] VERSION PREFIX [-- [configure options]] $ perl6-build [options] COMMITISH PREFIX [-- [configure options]] Options: -h, --help show this help -l, --list list available versions (latest 20 versions) -L, --list-all list all available versions -w, --workdir set working directory, default: ~/.perl6-build --jvm build perl6 with jvm backend Example: # List available versions $ perl6-build -l # Build and install rakudo-star-2018.04 to ~/perl6 $ perl6-build rakudo-star-2018.04 ~/perl6 # Build and install rakudo from git repository (2018.06 tag) to ~/perl6 $ perl6-build 2018.06 ~/perl6 # Build and install rakudo from git repository (HEAD) to ~/perl6-{describe} # where {describe} will be replaced by `git describe` such as `2018.06-259-g72c8cf68c` $ perl6-build HEAD ~/perl6-'{describe}' # Build and install rakudo from git repository (HEAD) with jvm backend $ perl6-build --jvm 2018.06 ~/2018.06-jvm # Build and install rakudo from git repository (2018.06 tag) with custom configure options $ perl6-build 2018.06 ~/2018.06-custom -- --backends moar --with-nqp /path/to/bin/nqp INSTALLATION There are 3 ways: CPAN $ cpm install -g Perl6::Build Self-contained version $ wget $ chmod +x perl6-build $ ./perl6-build --help As a p6env plugin $ git clone ~/.p6env/plugins/perl6-build $ p6env install -l See DESCRIPTION Perl6::Build builds rakudo Perl6. AUTHOR Shoichi Kaji <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright 2018 Shoichi Kaji <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.