Zydeco - Jazz up your Perl


      use v5.14;
      use strict;
      use warnings;
      package MyApp {
        use Zydeco;
        class Person {
          has name   ( type => Str, required => true );
          has gender ( type => Str );
          factory new_man (Str $name) {
            return $class->new(name => $name, gender => 'male');
          factory new_woman (Str $name) {
            return $class->new(name => $name, gender => 'female');
          method greet (Person *friend, Str *greeting = "Hello") {
            printf("%s, %s!\n", $arg->greeting, $arg->friend->name);
          coerce from Str via from_string {
            return $class->new(name => $_);

      use v5.14;
      use strict;
      use warnings;
      use MyApp;
      use MyApp::Types qw( is_Person );
      # Create a new MyApp::Person object.
      my $alice  = MyApp->new_woman("Alice");
      is_Person($alice) or die;
      # The string "Bob" will be coerced to a MyApp::Person.
      $alice->greet(friend => "Bob", greeting => 'Hi');

    Zydeco is a Perl module to jazz up your object-oriented programming. It
    fuses together:

    *   Classes, roles, and interfaces

    *   Powerful and concise attribute definitions

    *   Methods with signatures, type constraints, and coercion

    *   Factories to help your objects make other objects

    *   Multimethods

    *   Method modifiers to easily wrap or override inherited methods

    *   Powerful delegation features

    *   True private methods and attributes

    *   Parameterizable classes and roles

    *   Syntactic sugar as sweet as pecan pie

    Zydeco::Manual is probably the best place to start.

    If Zydeco is too slow or has too many dependencies for you, check out

      class MyClass;
      class MyClass { ... }
      class BaseClass {
        class SubClass;
      class MyGenerator (@args) { ... }
      my $class = MyApp->generate_mygenerator(...);
      my $class = do { class; };
      my $class = do { class { ... } };
      my $generator = do { class (@args) { ... } };
      my $class = $generator->generate_package(...);

  `abstract class`
      abstract class MyClass;
      abstract class MyClass { ... }
      abstract class BaseClass {
        class SubClass;
      my $class = do { abstract class; };
      my $class = do { abstract class { ... } };

      role MyRole;
      role MyRole { ... }
      role MyGenerator (@args) { ... }
      my $role = MyApp->generate_mygenerator(...);
      my $role = do { role; };
      my $role = do { role { ... } };
      my $generator = do { role (@args) { ... } };
      my $role = $generator->generate_package(...);

      interface MyIface;
      interface MyIface { ... }
      interface MyGenerator (@args) { ... }
      my $interface = MyApp->generate_mygenerator(...);
      my $iface = do { interface; };
      my $iface = do { interface { ... } };
      my $generator = do { interface (@args) { ... } };
      my $iface = $generator->generate_package(...);

      class MyClass {
        toolkit Moose;
      class MyClass {
        toolkit Mouse;
      class MyClass {
        toolkit Moo;
      class MyClass {
        toolkit Moose (StrictConstructor);

    Modules in parentheses are prefixed by "$toolkit\::X" unless they start
    with "::" and loaded. Not all modules are useful to load this way because
    they are loaded too late to have a lexical effect, and because code inside
    the class will not be able to see functions exported into the class.

      class MyClass extends BaseClass;
      class MyClass extends BaseClass, OtherClass;
      class MyClass {
        extends BaseClass;
      class MyClass {
        extends BaseClass, OtherClass;

      class MyClass with SomeRole;
      class MyClass with SomeRole, OtherRole;
      class MyClass extends BaseClass with SomeRole, OtherRole;
      class MyClass {
        with SomeRole;
      class MyClass {
        with SomeRole, OtherRole;
      class MyClass {
        with RoleGenerator(@args), OtherRole;
      class MyClass {
        with TagRole?, OtherTagRole?;
      role MyRole {
        with OtherRole;
      role MyRole with OtherRole {
      role MyRole with SomeRole, OtherRole;

      class MyClass {
        begin { say "defining $kind $package"; }
      role MyRole {
        begin { say "defining $kind $package"; }

      class MyClass {
        end { say "finished defining $kind $package"; }
      role MyRole {
        end { say "finished defining $kind $package"; }

      role MyRole {
        before_apply { say "applying $role to $package"; }

      role MyRole {
        after_apply { say "finished applying $role to $package"; }

      class MyClass {
        has foo;
      class MyClass {
        has foo;
        class MySubClass {
          has +foo;
      class MyClass {
        has foo, bar;
      class MyClass {
        has foo!, bar;
      class MyClass {
        has { "fo" . "o" };
      class MyClass {
        has $foo;  # private attribute withg lexical accessor
      class MyClass {
        has foo ( is => ro, type => Int, default => 1 ) ;
      class MyClass {
        has name     = "Anonymous";
        has uc_name  = uc($self->name);

    Synonym for `has` but defaults to `required => true`.

      class MyClass {
        param foo ( type => Str );

    Synonym for `has` but defaults to `init_arg => undef`.

      class MyClass {
        field foo ( builder => true );
        method _build_foo { ... }

      class MyClass {
        constant PI = 3.2;
      interface Serializable {
        requires serialize;
        constant PRETTY    = 1;
        constant UTF8      = 2;
        constant CANONICAL = 4;

      method myfunc {
      method myfunc ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {
      method myfunc ( HashRef *collection, Int *index ) {
      method myfunc :optimize ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {
      my $myfunc = do { method () {
      method $myfunc () {   # lexical method

      symmethod myfunc {
      symmethod myfunc ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {

  `multi method`
      multi method myfunc {
      multi method myfunc ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {
      multi method myfunc ( HashRef *collection, Int *index ) {
      # lexical multimethod - make sure you declare the variable first
      my $otherfunc;
      multi method $otherfunc ( CodeRef $x ) { ... }
      multi method $otherfunc ( HashRef $x ) { ... }

      role MyRole {
        requires serialize;
        requires deserialize (Str $input);

      before myfunc {
      before myfunc ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {

      after myfunc {
      after myfunc ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {

      around myfunc {
        my $return = $self->$next( @_[2..$#_] );
        return $return;
      around myfunc ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {
        my $return = $self->$next(@_);
        return $return;

      class MyThing {
        factory new_thing {
      class MyThing {
        factory new_thing ( Int $x, ArrayRef $y ) {
      class MyThing {
        factory  new_thing ( HashRef *collection, Int *index ) {
      class MyThing {
        method _make_thing {
        factory new_thing via _make_thing;
      class MyThing {
        factory new_thing;

  `multi factory`
      class MyThing {
        multi factory new_thing ( ArrayRef $x ) {
        multi factory new_thing ( HashRef $x ) {

      class Person {
        type_name Hooman;
      role Serializer {
        type_name Ser;

      class Widget {
        has id (type => Int);
        coerce from Int via from_id {
          $class->new(id => $_);
      class Widget {
        has id (type => Int);
        coerce from Int via from_id;
        method from_id ($id) {
          $class->new(id => $id);

      class Person {
        has name (type => Str);
        overload(q[""] => 'name', fallback => true);

      class MyClass 1.0;
      class MyClass {
        version '1.0';

      class MyClass {
        authority 'cpan:TOBYINK';

      package MyApp {
        use Zydeco;
        include Roles;
        include Classes;
      # MyApp/
      role Foo;
      role Bar;
      # MyApp/
      class Foo::Bar with Foo, Bar;

      package MyApp {
        use Zydeco;
        class MyClass {
          has name;
          Zydeco::PACKAGE_SPEC()->{has}{name}{required} = true;



    Attribute privacy:



    `confess($format, @args)`


      use Types::Standard         qw( -types -is -assert );
      use Types::Common::Numeric  qw( -types -is -assert );
      use Types::Common::String   qw( -types -is -assert );


      use strict;
      use warnings;
      # Perl 5.14 and Perl 5.16
      use feature qw( say state unicode_strings );
      # Perl 5.18 or above
      use feature qw( say state unicode_strings
                      unicode_eval evalbytes current_sub fc );

    Zydeco also imports Syntax::Keyword::Try.

  Selective Import
    You can choose which parts of Zydeco you import:

      package MyApp {
        use Zydeco keywords => [qw/
          class abstract role interface
          begin end before_apply after_apply
          include toolkit extends with requires
          has constant method multi factory before after around
          type_name coerce
          version authority overload

    `no Zydeco` will clear up:

          class abstract role interface
          include toolkit begin end extends with requires
          has constant method multi factory before after around
          type_name coerce
          version authority overload

    But won't clear up things Zydeco imported for you from other packages. Use
    `no MooX::Press::Keywords`, `no Types::Standard`, etc to do that, or just
    use namespace::autoclean.

    Please report any bugs to

  Plugin system
    Zydeco can often load MooX/MouseX/MooseX plugins and work fine with them,
    but some things won't work, like plugins that rely on being able to wrap
    `has`. So it would be nice to have a plugin system that extensions can
    hook into.

    If you're interested in extending Zydeco, file a bug report about it and
    let's have a conversation about the best way for that to happen. I
    probably won't start a plugin API until someone actually wants to write a
    plugin, because that will give me a better idea about what kind of API is

    Zydeco manual: Zydeco::Manual.

    Zydeco website: <>.

    Less magic versions: Zydeco::Lite, MooX::Press. (Zydeco is just a wrapper
    around MooX::Press, providing a nicer syntax. Zydeco::Lite is an
    alternative wrapper, using less magic.)

    Important underlying technologies: Moo, Type::Tiny::Manual,
    Sub::HandlesVia, Sub::MultiMethod, Lexical::Accessor,
    Syntax::Keyword::Try, Role::Hooks.

    Similar modules: Moops, Kavorka, Dios, MooseX::Declare.

    Toby Inkster <>.

    This software is copyright (c) 2020-2022 by Toby Inkster.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
    same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.