'album' is a tool to create and maintain a browser based photo album.

The photo albums are intended to be the digital equivalents of paper
albums, but easier to create and maintain. Although you can publish a
photo album on the Web, this tool is not specifically targeted at
creating Web shows.


A photo album consists of a number of (large) pictures, small thumbnail
images, and index pages. Optionally, medium sized images can be
generated as well. The album will be organised as follows:

  index.html       first or only index page
  indexN.html      subsequent index pages (N = 1, 2, ...)
  css/		   direcotry with style sheets
  icons/           directory with navigation icons
  large/           original (large) images, with HTML pages
  medium/          optional medium sized images, with HTML pages
  thumbnail/       thumbnail images

Each image can be labeled with a description, a tag (applies to a
group of images, e.g. a date), the image name, and some
characteristics (size and dimensions).

Images can be handled 'in situ', or imported from e.g. a CD-ROM or
digital camera. Optionally, EXIF information from digital camera files
can be taken into account.

Web site: http://www.squirrel.nl/people/jvromans/Album/index.html

Helper programs

This program requires some helper programs for certain tasks.

  jpegtran    will be used to rotate JPEG files loslessly.
	      If missing, JPEG files will be rotated by ImageMagick,
	      with possible loss of information.
  mencoder    is needed to manipulate MPEG files.
	      If missing, MPEG files will be copied without
	      processing. They cannot be rotated, and may not be
	      playable on your mpeg player.
  mplayer     is needed to extract a still from MPEG movies, and to 
	      extract audio from VOICE files.
	      If missing, no stills will be produced, and VOICE files
	      will remain silent.