# NAME Text::CaboCha - Alternate Interface To libcabocha # SYNOPSIS use utf8; use Encode; use Text::CaboCha; my $cabocha = Text::CaboCha->new({ output_format => $output_format, input_layer => $input_layer, output_layer => $output_layer, ne => $ne, parser_model => $parser_model_file, chunker_model => $chunker_model_file, ne_model => $ne_tagger_model_file, posset => $posset, charset => $encode, charset_file => $charset_file, rcfile => $cabocha_rc_file, mecabrc => $mecab_rc_file, mecab_dicdir => $mecab_dicdir, mecab_userdic => $mecab_userdic, output => $output_file }); my $text = encode(Text::CaboCha::ENCODING, "太郎ã¯æ¬¡éƒŽãŒæŒã£ã¦ã„る本を花åã«æ¸¡ã—ãŸã€‚"); my $tree = $cabocha->parse($text); $tree->tostr(Text::CaboCha::CABOCHA_FORMAT_TREE); # You can check the tree. my $token_size = $tree->token_size; my $cid = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < $token_size; $i++) { my $token = $tree->token($i); if ($token->chunk) { printf("* %d %dD %d/%d %f\n", $cid++, $token->chunk->link, $token->chunk->head_pos, $token->chunk->func_pos, $token->chunk->score); printf("%s\t%s\t%s\n", $token->surface, $token->feature, $token->ne ? $token->ne : "O"); } } printf("EOS\n"); # use constants use Text::CaboCha qw(:all); use Text::CaboCha qw(CABOCHA_FORMAT_TREE); # check what cabocha version we compiled against? print "Compiled with ", Text::CaboCha::CABOCHA_VERSION, "\n"; # DESCRIPTION This module was created with reference to Text::MeCab. Text::CaboCha gives you a more natural, Perl-ish way to access libcabocha! # PERFORMANCE You can get to the result of running eg/benchmark.pl. Rate cabocha text_cabocha text_cabocha_each cabocha 17.2/s -- -27% -29% text_cabocha 23.5/s 36% -- -3% text_cabocha_each 24.2/s 40% 3% -- # METHODS ## new HASHREF | LIST Creates a new Text::CaboCha instance. You can either specify a hashref and use named parameters, or you can use the exact command line arguments that the cabocha command accepts. Below is the list of accepted named options. See the man page for cabocha for details about each option. - **output\_format** - **input\_layer** - **output\_layer** - **ne** - **parser\_model** - **chunker\_model** - **ne\_model** - **posset** - **charset** - **charset\_file** - **rcfile** - **mecabrc** - **mecab\_dicdir** - **mecab\_userdic** - **output** ## $tree = $parser->parse(SCALAR) Parses the given text via CaboCha::Parser, and returns a Text::CaboCha::Tree object. ## $tree = $parser->parse\_from\_node(Text::MeCab::Node) Parses the given [Text::MeCab::Node](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::MeCab::Node) via CaboCha::Parser, and returns a Text::CaboCha::Tree object. ## $version = Text::CaboCha::version() The version number, as returned by libcabocha's CaboCha::Parser::version() ## CONSTANTS - ENCODING my $encoding = Text::CaboCha::ENCODING Returns the encoding of the underlying cabocha library that was detected at compile time. - CABOCHA\_VERSION The version number, same as Text::CaboCha::version(). - CABOCHA\_TARGET\_VERSION The version number detected at compile time of Text::CaboCha. - CABOCHA\_TARGET\_MAJOR\_VERSION The version number detected at compile time of Text::CaboCha. - CABOCHA\_TARGET\_MINOR\_VERSION The version number detected at compile time of Text::CaboCha. - CABOCHA\_CONFIG Path to cabocha-config, if available. # SEE ALSO https://taku910.github.io/cabocha/ [Text::CaboCha](https://metacpan.org/pod/Text::CaboCha) # LICENSE Copyright (C) Kei Kamikawa. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See http://www.perl.com/perl/misc/Artistic.html # AUTHOR Kei Kamikawa <x00.x7f@gmail.com> [@codehex](https://twitter.com/CodeHex)