NAME Lazy::Utils - Utility functions VERSION version 1.12 ABSTRACT Utility functions use Lazy::Utils; trim($str); ltrim($str); rtrim($str); file_get_contents($path, $prefs); file_put_contents($path, $contents, $prefs); shellmeta($s, $nonquoted); _system($cmd, @argv); bashReadLine($prompt); commandArgs($prefs, @argv); cmdArgs(@argv); whereisBin($name, $path); fileCache($tag, $expiry, $subref); getPodText($fileName, $section, $exclude_section); DESCRIPTION Collection of utility functions all of exported by default Functions trim($str) trims given string $str: *string will be trimed* return value: *trimed string* ltrim($str) trims left given string $str: *string will be trimed* return value: *trimed string* rtrim($str) trims right given string $str: *string will be trimed* return value: *trimed string* file_get_contents($path, $prefs) gets all contents of file in string type $path: *path of file* $prefs: *preferences in hash type, by default undef* utf8: *opens file-handle as :utf8 mode, by default 0* return value: *file contents in string type, otherwise undef because of errors* file_put_contents($path, $contents, $prefs) puts all contents of file in string type $path: *path of file* $contents: *file contents in string type* $prefs: *preferences in hash type, by default undef* utf8: *opens file-handle as :utf8 mode, by default 0* return value: *success 1, otherwise undef* shellmeta($s, $nonquoted) escapes metacharacters of interpolated shell string $s: *interpolated shell string* $nonquoted: *also escapes whitespaces and * character for non-quoted interpolated shell string, by default 0* return value: *escaped string* _system($cmd, @argv) executes a system command like Perl system call $cmd: *command* @argv: *command line arguments* return value: *exit code of command. 511 if fatal error occurs* returned $?: *return code of wait call like on Perl system call* returned $!: *system error message like on Perl system call* bashReadLine($prompt) reads a line using bash $prompt: *prompt, by default ''* return value: *line* commandArgs([$prefs, ]@argv) resolves command line arguments valuableArgs is off, eg; --opt1 --opt2=val2 cmd param1 param2 param3 -opt1 -opt2=val2 cmd param1 param2 param3 -opt1 -opt2=val2 cmd param1 -- param2 param3 -opt1 cmd param1 -opt2=val2 param2 param3 -opt1 cmd param1 -opt2=val2 -- param2 param3 cmd -opt1 param1 -opt2=val2 param2 param3 cmd -opt1 param1 -opt2=val2 -- param2 param3 valuableArgs is on, eg; -opt1 -opt2=val2 cmd param1 param2 param3 -opt1 -opt2 val2 cmd param1 param2 param3 -opt1 -opt2 -- cmd param1 param2 param3 cmd -opt1 -opt2 val2 param1 param2 param3 cmd -opt1 -opt2 -- param1 param2 param3 cmd param1 -opt1 -opt2 val2 param2 param3 cmd param1 -opt1 -opt2 -- param2 param3 $prefs: *preferences in HashRef, optional* valuableArgs: *accepts option value after option if next argument is not an option, by default 0* noCommand: *use first parameter instead of command, by default 0* optionAtAll: *DEPRECATED: now, it is always on. accepts options after command or first parameter otherwise evaluates as parameter, by default 0* @argv: *command line arguments* return value: eg; { --opt1 => '', --opt2 => 'val2', command => 'cmd', parameters => ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] } { -opt1 => '', -opt2 => 'val2', command => 'cmd', parameters => ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] } { -opt1 => '', -opt2 => '', command => 'cmd', parameters => ['param1', 'param2', 'param3'] } cmdArgs([$prefs, ]@argv) synonym with commandArgs() whereisBin($name, $path) searches valid binary in search path $name: *binary name* $path: *search path, by default "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin"* return value: *array of binary path founded in search path* fileCache($tag, $expiry, $subref) gets most recent cached value in file cache by given tag and caller function if there is cached value in expiry period. Otherwise tries to get current value using $subref, puts value in cache and cleanups old cache values. $tag: *tag for cache* $expiry: *cache expiry period* <0: *always gets most recent cached value if there is any cached value. Otherwise tries to get current value using $subref, puts and cleanups.* =0: *never gets cached value. Always tries to get current value using $subref, puts and cleanups.* >0: *gets most recent cached value in cache if there is cached value in expiry period. Otherwise tries to get current value using $subref, puts and cleanups.* $subref: *sub reference to get current value* return value: *cached or current value, otherwise undef if there isn't cached value and current value doesn't get* getPodText($fileName, $section, $exclude_section) gets a text of pod contents in given file $fileName: *file name of searching pod, by default running file* $section: *searching head1 section of pod, by default undef gets all of contents* $exclude_section: *excludes section name, by default undef* return value: *text of pod in string or array by line, otherwise undef if an error occurs* INSTALLATION To install this module type the following perl Makefile.PL make make test make install from CPAN cpan -i Lazy::Utils DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: * JSON * Pod::Simple::Text REPOSITORY GitHub <> CPAN <> AUTHOR Orkun Karaduman <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2017 Orkun Karaduman <> This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.