=head1 NAME Pod::Readme - Intelligently generate a README file from POD =head1 VERSION v1.2.0 =head1 SYNOPSIS In a module's POD: =head1 NAME MyApp - my nifty app =for readme plugin version =head1 DESCRIPTION This is a nifty app. =begin :readme =for readme plugin requires =head1 INSTALLATION ... =end :readme =for readme stop =head1 METHODS ... Then from the command-line: pod2readme lib/MyModule.pm README =head1 DESCRIPTION This module filters POD to generate a F<README> file, by using POD commands to specify which parts are included or excluded from the F<README> file. See the L<Pod::Readme> documentation for more details on the POD syntax that this module recognizes. See L<pod2readme> for command-line usage. =head1 INSTALLATION See L<How to install CPAN modules|http://www.cpan.org/modules/INSTALL.html>. =head2 Required Modules This distribution requires Perl v5.10.1. This distribution requires the following modules: =over 4 =item * L<Class::Method::Modifiers> =item * L<CPAN::Changes> (version 0.30) =item * L<CPAN::Meta> =item * L<File::Slurp> =item * L<Getopt::Long::Descriptive> =item * L<IO::String> =item * L<Module::Metadata> =item * L<Moo> =item * L<Moo::Role> =item * L<MooX::HandlesVia> =item * L<namespace::autoclean> =item * L<Path::Tiny> =item * L<Role::Tiny> =item * L<Test::Deep> =item * L<Test::Exception> =item * L<Test::Kit> =item * L<Try::Tiny> =item * L<Type::Tiny> =item * L<Types::Standard> =back =head1 RECENT CHANGES =head2 Bug Fixes =over 4 =item * Specify minimum version of List::Util, GH#22. =back =head2 Enhancements =over 4 =item * Added "md" as an alias for "markdown" in pod2readme. =back =head2 Incompatabilities =over 4 =item * Removed DistZilla type from Pod::Readme::Types, as it was not necessary. =back =head2 Toolchain =over 4 =item * Remove use of Module::Install, fixes GH#21. =item * Use Dist::Zilla to build the distribution. =back See the F<Changes> file for a longer revision history. =head1 CAVEATS This module is intended to be used by module authors for their own modules. It is not recommended for generating F<README> files from arbitrary Perl modules from untrusted sources. =head1 SEE ALSO See L<perlpod>, L<perlpodspec> and L<podlators>. =head1 AUTHORS The original version was by Robert Rothenberg <rrwo@cpan.org> until 2010, when maintenance was taken over by David Precious <davidp@preshweb.co.uk>. In 2014, Robert Rothenberg rewrote the module to use filtering instead of subclassing a POD parser. =head2 Acknowledgements Thanks to people who gave feedback and suggestions to posts about the rewrite of this module on L<http://blogs.perl.org>. =head2 Suggestions, Bug Reporting and Contributing This module is developed on GitHub at L<http://github.com/bigpresh/Pod-Readme> =head1 LICENSE Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Robert Rothenberg. All rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.