   "abstract" : "All of POE on CPAN",
   "author" : [
      "Apocalypse <APOCAL@cpan.org>"
   "dynamic_config" : 0,
   "generated_by" : "Dist::Zilla version 5.024, CPAN::Meta::Converter version 2.142690",
   "license" : [
   "meta-spec" : {
      "url" : "http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?CPAN::Meta::Spec",
      "version" : "2"
   "name" : "Task-POE-All",
   "no_index" : {
      "directory" : [
   "prereqs" : {
      "configure" : {
         "requires" : {
            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0",
            "Module::Build::Tiny" : "0.039",
            "perl" : "5.006"
      "runtime" : {
         "requires" : {
            "POE::API::Hooks" : "2.03",
            "POE::API::Peek" : "2.20",
            "POE::Component::AI::MegaHAL" : "1.18",
            "POE::Component::AIO" : "1.00",
            "POE::Component::Algorithm::Evolutionary" : "0.002001",
            "POE::Component::Amazon::S3" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::Archive::Any" : "0.002",
            "POE::Component::AssaultCube::ServerQuery::Server" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::AtomAggregator" : "1.0",
            "POE::Component::Basement" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::BlogCloud" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::Bundle::WebDevelopment" : "1.001004",
            "POE::Component::CD::Detect" : "1.1",
            "POE::Component::CD::Rip" : "1.2",
            "POE::Component::CPAN::Mirror::Multiplexer" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::CPAN::Reporter" : "0.06",
            "POE::Component::CPAN::SQLite::Info" : "0.11",
            "POE::Component::CPAN::YACSmoke" : "1.36",
            "POE::Component::CPANIDX" : "0.10",
            "POE::Component::CPANPLUS::YACSmoke" : "1.62",
            "POE::Component::Cache" : "0.001001",
            "POE::Component::Captcha::reCAPTCHA" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Child" : "1.39",
            "POE::Component::Client::AMQP" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::Client::AirTunes" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::Client::Asterisk::Manager" : "0.08",
            "POE::Component::Client::BigBrother" : "1.00",
            "POE::Component::Client::CouchDB" : "0.05",
            "POE::Component::Client::DNS" : "1.053",
            "POE::Component::Client::DNS::Recursive" : "1.08",
            "POE::Component::Client::DNSBL" : "1.08",
            "POE::Component::Client::FTP" : "0.22",
            "POE::Component::Client::Feed" : "0.901",
            "POE::Component::Client::HTTP" : "0.949",
            "POE::Component::Client::HTTPDeferred" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Client::Halo" : "0.2",
            "POE::Component::Client::Icecast" : "0.6",
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            "POE::Component::Client::LDAP" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::Client::Lingr" : "0.04",
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            "POE::Component::Client::MogileFS" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Client::NNTP" : "2.22",
            "POE::Component::Client::NNTP::Tail" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::Client::NRPE" : "0.20",
            "POE::Component::Client::NSCA" : "0.16",
            "POE::Component::Client::NTP" : "0.10",
            "POE::Component::Client::POP3" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Client::Pastebot" : "1.16",
            "POE::Component::Client::Ping" : "1.174",
            "POE::Component::Client::RADIUS" : "1.04",
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            "POE::Component::Client::SMTP" : "0.22",
            "POE::Component::Client::SOCKS" : "1.00",
            "POE::Component::Client::SimpleFTP" : "0.003",
            "POE::Component::Client::Stomp" : "0.12",
            "POE::Component::Client::Stomp::Utils" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Client::TCPMulti" : "0.0524",
            "POE::Component::Client::Telnet" : "0.06",
            "POE::Component::Client::Traceroute" : "0.21",
            "POE::Component::Client::Twitter" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::Client::UserAgent" : "0.08",
            "POE::Component::Client::Whois" : "1.30",
            "POE::Component::Client::Whois::Smart" : "0.187",
            "POE::Component::Client::eris" : "1.4",
            "POE::Component::Client::opentick" : "0.21",
            "POE::Component::ControlPort" : "1.0266",
            "POE::Component::Cron" : "0.021",
            "POE::Component::Curl::Multi" : "0.10",
            "POE::Component::Curses" : "0.211",
            "POE::Component::DBIAgent" : "0.26",
            "POE::Component::DHCP::Monitor" : "1.04",
            "POE::Component::Daemon" : "0.1400",
            "POE::Component::Daemon::Win32" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::DebugShell" : "1.412",
            "POE::Component::DebugShell::Jabber" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::DirWatch" : "0.300001",
            "POE::Component::DirWatch::Object" : "0.10",
            "POE::Component::EasyDBI" : "1.24",
            "POE::Component::Enc::Flac" : "1.01",
            "POE::Component::Enc::Mp3" : "1.2",
            "POE::Component::Enc::Ogg" : "1.05",
            "POE::Component::FastCGI" : "0.19",
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            "POE::Component::Fuse" : "0.05",
            "POE::Component::Gearman::Client" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::Generic" : "0.1403",
            "POE::Component::Github" : "0.08",
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            "POE::Component::Hailo" : "0.10",
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            "POE::Component::IRC::Object" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BaseWrap" : "1.001001",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Blowfish" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Bollocks" : "1.00",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CPAN::Info" : "1.001002",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CoreList" : "1.02",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Donuts" : "0.07",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Eval" : "0.07",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FTP::EasyUpload" : "0.002",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Google::Calculator" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hailo" : "0.18",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hello" : "0.001002",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::IRCDHelp" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::ImageMirror" : "0.15",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Infobot" : "0.001002",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Karma" : "0.003",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger::Irssi" : "0.001002",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::MegaHAL" : "0.46",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::MultiProxy" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::OutputToPastebin" : "0.002",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::POE::Knee" : "1.08",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNS" : "1.04",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNSBL" : "1.04",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::RSS::Headlines" : "1.08",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::RTorrentStatus" : "0.17",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Role" : "0.06",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen" : "0.001001",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Trac::RSS" : "0.11",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::URI::Find" : "1.10",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Unicode::UCD" : "0.004",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::CPANRatings::RSS" : "0.0106",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Google::Time" : "0.0102",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::KrispyKreme::HotLight" : "0.06",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::OhNoRobotCom::Search" : "0.002",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Reddit::TIL" : "0.07",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Vim::Tips" : "0.14",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Weather::US" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::XKCD::AsText" : "0.003",
            "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WubWubWub" : "0.1",
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            "POE::Component::IRC::Service" : "0.996",
            "POE::Component::Jabber" : "3.00",
            "POE::Component::JobQueue" : "0.571",
            "POE::Component::LaDBI" : "1.002001",
            "POE::Component::Lightspeed" : "0.05",
            "POE::Component::Lingua::Translate" : "0.06",
            "POE::Component::Log4perl" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::Logger" : "1.10",
            "POE::Component::MXML" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::MessageQueue" : "0.3001",
            "POE::Component::Metabase::Client::Submit" : "0.12",
            "POE::Component::Metabase::Relay::Server" : "0.34",
            "POE::Component::Net::FTP" : "0.001",
            "POE::Component::Net::LastFM::Submission" : "0.24",
            "POE::Component::NetSNMP::agent" : "0.500",
            "POE::Component::NomadJukebox" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::NonBlockingWrapper::Base" : "0.002",
            "POE::Component::OSCAR" : "0.05",
            "POE::Component::Omegle" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::OpenSSH" : "0.10",
            "POE::Component::Pastebin::Create" : "0.0",
            "POE::Component::Pcap" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::Player::Mpg123" : "1.2",
            "POE::Component::Player::Musicus" : "1.32",
            "POE::Component::Player::Slideshow" : "1.4",
            "POE::Component::Player::Xmms" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::Pluggable" : "1.26",
            "POE::Component::PluginManager" : "0.67",
            "POE::Component::Pool::DBI" : "0.014",
            "POE::Component::Pool::Thread" : "0.015",
            "POE::Component::PreforkDispatch" : "0.101",
            "POE::Component::ProcTerminator" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::Proxy::MySQL" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::Proxy::SOCKS" : "1.02",
            "POE::Component::Proxy::TCP" : "1.2",
            "POE::Component::RSS" : "3.01",
            "POE::Component::RSSAggregator" : "1.11",
            "POE::Component::RemoteTail" : "0.01011",
            "POE::Component::Rendezvous::Publish" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::Resolver" : "0.921",
            "POE::Component::ResourcePool" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::ResourcePool::Resource::TokenBucket" : "0.01",
            "POE::Component::SASLAuthd" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::SNMP" : "1.1006",
            "POE::Component::SNMP::Session" : "0.1202",
            "POE::Component::SSLify" : "1.008",
            "POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock" : "0.41",
            "POE::Component::Schedule" : "0.95",
            "POE::Component::Sequence" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Server::AsyncEndpoint" : "0.10",
            "POE::Component::Server::Bayeux" : "0.04",
            "POE::Component::Server::BigBrother" : "0.08",
            "POE::Component::Server::Chargen" : "1.14",
            "POE::Component::Server::DNS" : "0.30",
            "POE::Component::Server::Daytime" : "1.14",
            "POE::Component::Server::Discard" : "1.14",
            "POE::Component::Server::Echo" : "1.64",
            "POE::Component::Server::FTP" : "0.08",
            "POE::Component::Server::HTTP" : "0.09",
            "POE::Component::Server::HTTP::KeepAlive" : "0.0307",
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            "POE::Component::Server::IRC" : "1.54",
            "POE::Component::Server::Ident" : "1.16",
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            "POE::Component::Server::MySQL" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Server::NNTP" : "1.04",
            "POE::Component::Server::NRPE" : "0.18",
            "POE::Component::Server::NSCA" : "0.08",
            "POE::Component::Server::POP3" : "0.10",
            "POE::Component::Server::PSGI" : "0.6",
            "POE::Component::Server::Postfix" : "0.001",
            "POE::Component::Server::PreforkTCP" : "0.11",
            "POE::Component::Server::Qotd" : "1.14",
            "POE::Component::Server::RADIUS" : "1.08",
            "POE::Component::Server::SMTP" : "1.6",
            "POE::Component::Server::SOAP" : "1.14",
            "POE::Component::Server::SimpleContent" : "1.14",
            "POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP" : "2.18",
            "POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork" : "2.10",
            "POE::Component::Server::SimpleSMTP" : "1.50",
            "POE::Component::Server::SimpleXMLRPC" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Server::Syslog" : "1.20",
            "POE::Component::Server::TCP" : "1.365",
            "POE::Component::Server::TacacsPlus" : "1.11",
            "POE::Component::Server::Time" : "1.14",
            "POE::Component::Server::Twirc" : "0.17",
            "POE::Component::Server::XMLRPC" : "0.05",
            "POE::Component::Server::eris" : "1.8",
            "POE::Component::SimpleDBI" : "1.30",
            "POE::Component::SimpleLog" : "1.05",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox" : "0.48",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Backend::Test::SmokeBox::Mini" : "0.58",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Dists" : "1.08",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Recent" : "1.46",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::CPAN::Mini" : "1.00",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::NNTP" : "1.00",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::RSS" : "1.00",
            "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::Rsync" : "1.000",
            "POE::Component::Spread" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::SpreadClient" : "1.002",
            "POE::Component::SubWrapper" : "2.01",
            "POE::Component::Supervisor" : "0.08",
            "POE::Component::Syndicator" : "0.06",
            "POE::Component::TFTPd" : "0.0302",
            "POE::Component::TSTP" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::Telephony::CTPort" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::UserBase" : "0.09",
            "POE::Component::WWW::CPANRatings::RSS" : "0.0101",
            "POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::WWW::Google::Calculator" : "0.03",
            "POE::Component::WWW::Google::Time" : "0.0102",
            "POE::Component::WWW::OhNoRobotCom::Search" : "0.002",
            "POE::Component::WWW::Pastebin::Bot::Pastebot::Create" : "0.003",
            "POE::Component::WWW::Pastebin::Many::Retrieve" : "0.001",
            "POE::Component::WWW::Shorten" : "1.20",
            "POE::Component::WWW::XKCD::AsText" : "0.002",
            "POE::Component::WakeOnLAN" : "1.04",
            "POE::Component::Win32::ChangeNotify" : "1.22",
            "POE::Component::Win32::EventLog" : "1.24",
            "POE::Component::Win32::Service" : "1.24",
            "POE::Component::XUL" : "0.02",
            "POE::Component::YahooMessenger" : "0.05",
            "POE::Component::YubiAuth" : "0.07",
            "POE::Declarative" : "0.09",
            "POE::Declare" : "0.59",
            "POE::Declare::HTTP::Client" : "0.05",
            "POE::Declare::HTTP::Online" : "0.02",
            "POE::Declare::HTTP::Server" : "0.05",
            "POE::Declare::Log::File" : "0.01",
            "POE::Devel::Benchmarker" : "0.05",
            "POE::Devel::ProcAlike" : "0.02",
            "POE::Devel::Profiler" : "0.02",
            "POE::Devel::Top" : "0.100",
            "POE::Event::Message" : "0.11",
            "POE::Filter::BigBrother" : "0.13",
            "POE::Filter::Bzip2" : "1.58",
            "POE::Filter::CSV" : "1.16",
            "POE::Filter::CSV_XS" : "1.16",
            "POE::Filter::DHCPd::Lease" : "0.0703",
            "POE::Filter::DNS::TCP" : "0.06",
            "POE::Filter::ErrorProof" : "0.01",
            "POE::Filter::FSSocket" : "0.07",
            "POE::Filter::Finger" : "0.08",
            "POE::Filter::HTTP::Parser" : "1.06",
            "POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked" : "0.9",
            "POE::Filter::Hessian" : "1.00",
            "POE::Filter::IASLog" : "1.08",
            "POE::Filter::IRCD" : "2.44",
            "POE::Filter::IRCv3" : "1.001001",
            "POE::Filter::JSON" : "0.04",
            "POE::Filter::JSON::Incr" : "0.03",
            "POE::Filter::KennySpeak" : "1.02",
            "POE::Filter::LOLCAT" : "1.10",
            "POE::Filter::LZF" : "1.70",
            "POE::Filter::LZO" : "1.70",
            "POE::Filter::LZW" : "1.72",
            "POE::Filter::LZW::Progressive" : "0.1",
            "POE::Filter::Log::IPTables" : "0.02",
            "POE::Filter::Log::Procmail" : "0.03",
            "POE::Filter::Ls" : "0.01",
            "POE::Filter::PPPHDLC" : "0.01",
            "POE::Filter::ParseWords" : "1.06",
            "POE::Filter::Postfix" : "0.003",
            "POE::Filter::RecDescent" : "0.02",
            "POE::Filter::Redis" : "0.02",
            "POE::Filter::Regexp" : "1.0",
            "POE::Filter::SSL" : "0.28",
            "POE::Filter::SimpleHTTP" : "0.091710",
            "POE::Filter::Slim::CLI" : "0.02",
            "POE::Filter::Snort" : "0.031",
            "POE::Filter::Stomp" : "0.04",
            "POE::Filter::Transparent::SMTP" : "0.2",
            "POE::Filter::XML" : "1.140700",
            "POE::Filter::XML::RPC" : "0.04",
            "POE::Filter::Zlib" : "2.02",
            "POE::Framework::MIDI" : "0.09",
            "POE::Future" : "0.03",
            "POE::Loop::AnyEvent" : "0.004",
            "POE::Loop::EV" : "0.06",
            "POE::Loop::Event" : "1.305",
            "POE::Loop::Glib" : "0.038",
            "POE::Loop::Gtk" : "1.306",
            "POE::Loop::IO_Async" : "0.004",
            "POE::Loop::Kqueue" : "0.02",
            "POE::Loop::Prima" : "1.02",
            "POE::Loop::Tk" : "1.305",
            "POE::Loop::Wx" : "0.04",
            "POE::Quickie" : "0.18",
            "POE::Session::Attribute" : "0.80",
            "POE::Session::AttributeBased" : "0.10",
            "POE::Session::GladeXML2" : "0.40",
            "POE::Session::Irssi" : "0.50",
            "POE::Session::MessageBased" : "0.111",
            "POE::Session::MultiDispatch" : "1.3",
            "POE::Session::Multiplex" : "0.0600",
            "POE::Session::PlainCall" : "0.0301",
            "POE::Session::YieldCC" : "0.202",
            "POE::Stage" : "0.060",
            "POE::Sugar::Args" : "1.3",
            "POE::Sugar::Attributes" : "0.02",
            "POE::TIKC" : "0.02",
            "POE::Test::Helpers" : "1.11",
            "POE::Test::Loops" : "1.359",
            "POE::Wheel::Audio::Mad" : "0.3",
            "POE::Wheel::GnuPG" : "0.01",
            "POE::Wheel::MyCurses" : "1.2102",
            "POE::Wheel::Null" : "0.01",
            "POE::Wheel::Run::Win32" : "0.18",
            "POE::Wheel::Sendfile" : "0.0200",
            "POE::Wheel::TermKey" : "0.02",
            "POE::Wheel::UDP" : "0.02",
            "POE::Wheel::VimColor" : "0.0",
            "POE::XS::Loop::EPoll" : "1.003",
            "POE::XS::Loop::Poll" : "1.000",
            "POE::XS::Queue::Array" : "0.006",
            "POE::XUL::Javascript" : "0.0",
            "POE::strict" : "3.01",
            "POEx::HTTP::Server" : "0.0902",
            "POEx::IRC::Backend" : "0.024006",
            "POEx::IRC::Client::Lite" : "0.002002",
            "POEx::Inotify" : "0.0201",
            "POEx::Role::PSGIServer" : "1.110670",
            "POEx::Tickit" : "0.02",
            "POEx::URI" : "0.0301",
            "POEx::Weather::OpenWeatherMap" : "0.002001",
            "POEx::ZMQ" : "0.005002",
            "perl" : "5.006",
            "strict" : "0",
            "warnings" : "0"
      "test" : {
         "recommends" : {
            "CPAN::Meta" : "2.120900"
         "requires" : {
            "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "0",
            "File::Spec" : "0",
            "File::Temp" : "0",
            "IO::Handle" : "0",
            "IPC::Open3" : "0",
            "Test::More" : "0",
            "perl" : "5.006"
   "provides" : {
      "Task::POE::All" : {
         "file" : "lib/Task/POE/All.pm",
         "version" : "1.102"
   "release_status" : "stable",
   "resources" : {
      "bugtracker" : {
         "mailto" : "bug-task-poe-all at rt.cpan.org",
         "web" : "http://rt.cpan.org/Public/Dist/Display.html?Name=Task-POE-All"
      "homepage" : "https://github.com/apocalypse/perl-poe-taskall",
      "license" : [
      "repository" : {
         "type" : "git",
         "url" : "https://github.com/apocalypse/perl-poe-taskall.git",
         "web" : "https://github.com/apocalypse/perl-poe-taskall"
   "version" : "1.102",
   "x_BuiltWith" : {
      "failures" : {
         "POE::API::Hooks" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::AI::MegaHAL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Algorithm::Evolutionary" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Amazon::S3" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Archive::Any" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::AssaultCube::ServerQuery::Server" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::AtomAggregator" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Basement" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::BlogCloud" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Bundle::WebDevelopment" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CD::Detect" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CD::Rip" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CPAN::Mirror::Multiplexer" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CPAN::Reporter" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CPAN::SQLite::Info" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CPAN::YACSmoke" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CPANIDX" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::CPANPLUS::YACSmoke" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Cache" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Captcha::reCAPTCHA" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Child" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::AMQP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::AirTunes" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Asterisk::Manager" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::BigBrother" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::CouchDB" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::DNS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::DNS::Recursive" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::DNSBL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::FTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Feed" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::HTTPDeferred" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Halo" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Icecast" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Ident" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::LDAP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Lingr" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::MPD" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::MSN" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::MogileFS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::NNTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::NNTP::Tail" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::NRPE" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::NSCA" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::NTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::POP3" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Pastebot" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Ping" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::RADIUS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Rcon" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::SMTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::SOCKS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Stomp" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Stomp::Utils" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::TCPMulti" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Telnet" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Traceroute" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Twitter" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::UserAgent" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Whois" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::Whois::Smart" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::eris" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Client::opentick" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::ControlPort" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Cron" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Curl::Multi" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Curses" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::DBIAgent" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::DHCP::Monitor" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Daemon" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Daemon::Win32" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::DebugShell" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::DebugShell::Jabber" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::DirWatch::Object" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Enc::Flac" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Enc::Mp3" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Enc::Ogg" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::FastCGI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::FeedAggregator" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Gearman::Client" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Github" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Growl" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Hailo" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::ICal" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IKC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Object" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::BaseWrap" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Blowfish" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Bollocks" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CPAN::Info" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::CoreList" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Donuts" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Eval" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::FTP::EasyUpload" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Google::Calculator" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hailo" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Hello" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::IRCDHelp" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::ImageMirror" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Infobot" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Karma" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Logger::Irssi" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::MegaHAL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::MultiProxy" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::OutputToPastebin" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::POE::Knee" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::QueryDNSBL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::RSS::Headlines" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::RTorrentStatus" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Role" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Seen" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Trac::RSS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::URI::Find" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::Unicode::UCD" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::CPANRatings::RSS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Google::Time" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::KrispyKreme::HotLight" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::OhNoRobotCom::Search" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Reddit::TIL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Vim::Tips" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::Weather::US" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WWW::XKCD::AsText" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Plugin::WubWubWub" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::PluginBundle::Toys" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::PluginBundle::WebDevelopment" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::IRC::Service" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Jabber" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::JobQueue" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::LaDBI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Lightspeed" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Lingua::Translate" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Log4perl" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Logger" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::MXML" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::MessageQueue" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Net::FTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Net::LastFM::Submission" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::NetSNMP::agent" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::NomadJukebox" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::NonBlockingWrapper::Base" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::OSCAR" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Omegle" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::OpenSSH" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Pastebin::Create" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Pcap" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Player::Mpg123" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Player::Musicus" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Player::Slideshow" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Player::Xmms" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Pluggable" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::PluginManager" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Pool::DBI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Pool::Thread" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::PreforkDispatch" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::ProcTerminator" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Proxy::MySQL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Proxy::SOCKS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Proxy::TCP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::RSS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::RSSAggregator" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::RemoteTail" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Rendezvous::Publish" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::ResourcePool" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::ResourcePool::Resource::TokenBucket" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SASLAuthd" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SNMP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SNMP::Session" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SSLify::NonBlock" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Schedule" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Sequence" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::AsyncEndpoint" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Bayeux" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::BigBrother" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Chargen" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::DNS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Daytime" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Discard" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Echo" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::FTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::HTTP::KeepAlive" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::HTTPServer" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::IRC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Ident" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Inet" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::JSONRPC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::MySQL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::NNTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::NRPE" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::NSCA" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::POP3" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::PSGI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Postfix" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::PreforkTCP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Qotd" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::RADIUS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::SMTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::SOAP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::SimpleContent" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::SimpleHTTP::PreFork" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::SimpleSMTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::SimpleXMLRPC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Syslog" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::TacacsPlus" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Time" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::Twirc" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::XMLRPC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Server::eris" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SimpleDBI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SimpleLog" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Backend::Test::SmokeBox::Mini" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Recent" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::CPAN::Mini" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::NNTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SmokeBox::Uploads::RSS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Spread" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SpreadClient" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::SubWrapper" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Supervisor" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::TFTPd" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::TSTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Telephony::CTPort" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::UserBase" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::CPANRatings::RSS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::DoingItWrongCom::RandImage" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::Google::Calculator" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::Google::Time" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::OhNoRobotCom::Search" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::Pastebin::Bot::Pastebot::Create" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::Pastebin::Many::Retrieve" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::Shorten" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WWW::XKCD::AsText" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::WakeOnLAN" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Win32::ChangeNotify" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Win32::EventLog" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::Win32::Service" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::XUL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::YahooMessenger" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Component::YubiAuth" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Declarative" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Declare" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Declare::HTTP::Client" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Declare::HTTP::Online" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Declare::HTTP::Server" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Declare::Log::File" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Devel::Benchmarker" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Devel::Profiler" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Devel::Top" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Event::Message" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::BigBrother" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Bzip2" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::CSV" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::CSV_XS" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::DHCPd::Lease" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::DNS::TCP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::ErrorProof" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::FSSocket" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Finger" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::HTTPD::Chunked" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Hessian" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::IASLog" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::IRCv3" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::JSON" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::JSON::Incr" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::KennySpeak" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::LOLCAT" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::LZF" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::LZO" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::LZW" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::LZW::Progressive" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Log::IPTables" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Log::Procmail" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Ls" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::PPPHDLC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::ParseWords" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Postfix" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::RecDescent" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Redis" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Regexp" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::SSL" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::SimpleHTTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Slim::CLI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Snort" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Stomp" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Transparent::SMTP" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::XML" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::XML::RPC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Filter::Zlib" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Framework::MIDI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Future" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::AnyEvent" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::EV" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::Event" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::Glib" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::Gtk" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::IO_Async" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::Kqueue" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::Prima" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::Tk" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Loop::Wx" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Quickie" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::Attribute" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::GladeXML2" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::Irssi" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::MessageBased" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::MultiDispatch" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::Multiplex" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::PlainCall" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Session::YieldCC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Stage" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Sugar::Args" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Sugar::Attributes" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::TIKC" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Test::Helpers" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::Audio::Mad" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::GnuPG" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::MyCurses" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::Null" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::Run::Win32" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::Sendfile" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::TermKey" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::Wheel::VimColor" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::XS::Loop::EPoll" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::XS::Loop::Poll" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::XS::Queue::Array" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::XUL::Javascript" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POE::strict" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::HTTP::Server" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::IRC::Backend" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::IRC::Client::Lite" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::Inotify" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::Role::PSGIServer" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::Tickit" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::URI" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::Weather::OpenWeatherMap" : "module was not found in INC",
         "POEx::ZMQ" : "module was not found in INC"
      "modules" : {
         "CPAN::Meta" : "2.142690",
         "ExtUtils::MakeMaker" : "7.00",
         "File::Spec" : "3.47",
         "File::Temp" : "0.2304",
         "IO::Handle" : "1.34",
         "IPC::Open3" : "1.13",
         "Module::Build::Tiny" : "0.039",
         "POE::API::Peek" : "2.20",
         "POE::Component::AIO" : "1.00",
         "POE::Component::Client::HTTP" : "0.949",
         "POE::Component::Client::Keepalive" : "0.272",
         "POE::Component::Client::SimpleFTP" : "0.004",
         "POE::Component::DirWatch" : "0.300001",
         "POE::Component::EasyDBI" : "1.24",
         "POE::Component::Fuse" : "0.05",
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            "version" : "5.024"
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            "version" : "5.024"
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            "version" : "5.024"
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            "version" : "5.024"
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            "version" : "5.024"
      "zilla" : {
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      "web" : "https://chat.mibbit.com/?channel=%23perl-help&server=irc.perl.org"
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