NAME Tags::Output::LibXML - Printing 'Tags' structure by LibXML library. SYNOPSIS use Tags::Output::LibXML; my $tags = Tags::Output::LibXML->new(%parameters); $tags->put(['b', 'element']); my @open_tags = $tags->open_tags; $tags->finalize; $tags->flush($reset_flag); $tags->reset; DESCRIPTION This class is only for XML structures. METHODS "new(%parameters)" Constructor. * "cdata_callback" Subroutine for output processing of cdata. Input argument is reference to array. Default value is undef. Example is similar as 'data_callback'. * "data_callback" Subroutine for output processing of data, cdata and raw data. Input argument is reference to array. Default value is undef. Example: 'data_callback' => sub { my $data_ar = shift; foreach my $data (@{$data_ar}) { # Some process. $data =~ s/^\s*//ms; } } * "encoding" Encoding for XML header. Default is 'UTF-8'. * "no_simple" TODO not implemented. Reference to array of tags, that can't by simple. Default is []. * "output_handler" Handler for print output strings. Must be a GLOB. Default is undef. * "preserved" TODO not implemented. Default value is reference to blank array. * "set_indent" Set indent flag. Default is 0. * "skip_bad_tags" Skip bad tags. Default value is 0. * "xml_version" XML version for XML header. Default is "1.1". "finalize()" Finalize Tags output. Automaticly puts end of all opened tags. Returns undef. "flush($reset_flag)" Flush tags in object. If defined 'output_handler' flush to its. Or return code. If enabled $reset_flag, then resets internal variables via reset method. "open_tags()" Return array of opened tags. "put(@data)" Put tags code in tags format. Returns undef. "reset()" Resets internal variables. Returns undef. ERRORS TODO EXAMPLE1 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Tags::Output::LibXML; # Object. my $tags = Tags::Output::LibXML->new; # Put data. $tags->put( ['b', 'text'], ['d', 'data'], ['e', 'text'], ); # Print. print $tags->flush."\n"; # Output: # <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?> # <text>data</text> EXAMPLE2 # Pragmas. use strict; use warnings; # Modules. use Encode; use Tags::Output::LibXML; # Object. my $tags = Tags::Output::LibXML->new( 'data_callback' => sub { my $data_ar = shift; foreach my $data (@{$data_ar}) { $data = encode_utf8($data); } return; }, ); # Data in characters. my $data = decode_utf8('Å™ÄěšřšÄ'); # Put data. $tags->put( ['b', 'text'], ['d', $data], ['e', 'text'], ); # Print. print $tags->flush."\n"; # Output: # <?xml version="1.1" encoding="UTF-8"?> # <text>Å™ÄěšřšÄ</text> DEPENDENCIES Error::Pure, Readonly, Tags::Output, XML::LibXML. SEE ALSO Tags Structure oriented SGML/XML/HTML/etc. elements manipulation. Tags::Output Base class for Tags::Output::*. Task::Tags Install the Tags modules. AUTHOR Michal Å paÄek LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2011-2015 Michal Å paÄek BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.02