SYNOPSIS use Digest::MurmurHash2::Neutral qw(murmur_hash2_neutral); murmur_hash2_neutral($data_to_hash); OR use Digest::MurmurHash2::Neutral; Digest::MurmurHash2::murmur_hash2_neutral($data_to_hash); DESCRIPTION This is an implementation of the endian neutral MurmurHash2 algorithm by Austin Appleby. This module was originally written for ZipRecruiter <> using code from nginx <>. I used Digest::MurmurHash as a template. WHY As stated above, this module is implemented to compatible with nginx's MurmurHash2 implementation, used in the split_clients directive. MurmurHash3 would be faster, but compatibility is the goal here. SEE ALSO * Digest::MurmurHash * Digest::MurmurHash3 * Austin Appleby's algorithm description page <>