NAME: Cache::RamDisk Sharing of Perl Objects Between Processes on Several RAM Drives VERSION 0.1.6 DESCRIPTION The package collects as much ramdisks to a bundle as possible and necessary to hold the required user space, depending on the respective parameters under which the system's individual kernel had been compiled. The system user and group who owns the cache can be specified for the whole rd bunch, say cache. REQUIRES Perl B<5.6.1> on a Linux/ Unix System containing the following binaries: chown, mkdir, mke2fs, mount, touch, umount The package uses these Perl modules available from CPAN: IPC::Shareable IPC::SysV Filesys::Df Filesys::Statvfs File::stat Fcntl Symbol Class::Struct POSIX INSTALLATION perl Makefile.PL make make test make install AUTHOR & COPYRIGHT Martin Haase-Thomas <>, 2002-2004 LICENSE This library is free software. You can modify and/or redistribute it under the same terms as Perl itself.