Video::Pattern - Video class for frame generation.

     use Video::Pattern;
     my $pattern = Video::Pattern->new(%parameters);


            *       "delay_generator"

                     Delay generator object.
                     Default value is Video::Delay::Const with 1_000 milisecond constant.

            *       "duration"

                     Video duration.
                     Default value is 10_000 miliseconds.

            *       "fps"

                     Frames per second.
                     Default value is 60.

            *       "image_generator"

                     Image generator object.
                     Default value is Image::Random object with 1920 width, 1080
                     height, image type 'image_type and random colors.

            *       "image_type"

                     Image type.
                     Default value is 'bmp' which isn't defined user 'image_generator'.

             Create images to output directory.
             Returns undef.

             From Class::Utils::set_params():
                     Unknown parameter '%s'.

     # Pragmas.
     use strict;
     use warnings;

     # Modules.
     use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
     use File::Path qw(rmtree);
     use Video::Pattern;

     # Object.
     my $obj = Video::Pattern->new(
            'duration' => 10000,
            'fps' => 2,

     # Temporary directory.
     my $temp_dir = tempdir();

     # Create frames.

     # List and print files in temporary directory.
     system "ls -l $temp_dir";

     # Remove temporary directory.
     rmtree $temp_dir;

     # Output on system supporting links like:
     # celkem 66968
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 000.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 001.bmp -> 000.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 002.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 003.bmp -> 002.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 004.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 005.bmp -> 004.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 006.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 007.bmp -> 006.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 008.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 009.bmp -> 008.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 010.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 011.bmp -> 010.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 012.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 013.bmp -> 012.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 014.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 015.bmp -> 014.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 016.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 017.bmp -> 016.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 018.bmp
     # lrwxrwxrwx 1 foobar foobar       7 20. čen 12.09 019.bmp -> 018.bmp
     # -rw-r--r-- 1 foobar foobar 6220854 20. čen 12.09 020.bmp

    Class::Utils, English, File::Basename, File::Spec::Functions,
    Image::Random, Video::Delay::Const.

    On Windows File::Copy or Win32::Symlink.

    Video::Delay::Array, Video::Delay::Const, Video::Delay::Func.


    Michal Špaček <>


    BSD 2-Clause License
