# NAME Code::Quality - use static analysis to compute a "code quality" metric for a program # SYNOPSIS ```perl use v5.20; use Code::Quality; # code to test (required) my $code = ...; # reference code to compare against (optional) my $reference = ...; my $warnings = analyse_code code => $code, reference => $reference, language => 'C'; if (defined $warnings) { my $stars = star_rating_of_warnings $warnings; say "Program is rated $stars stars"; # 3 is best, 1 is worst my @errors = grep { $_->[0] eq 'error' } @$warnings; if (@errors > 0) { say 'Found ', scalar @errors, ' errors'; say "First error: $errors[0][1]"; } } else { say 'Failed to analyse code'; } ``` # DESCRIPTION Code::Quality runs a series of tests on a piece of source code to compute a code quality metric. Each test returns a possibly empty list of warnings, that is potential issues present in the source code. This list of warnings can then be turned into a star rating: 3 stars for good code, 2 stars for acceptable code, and 1 stars for dubious code. ## Warnings A warning is an arrayref `[type, message, row, column]`, where the first two entries are mandatory and the last two can be either both present or both absent. The type is one of `qw/error warning info/`. Four-element warnings correspond to ACE code editor annotations. Two-element warnings apply to the entire document, not a specific place in the code. ## Tests A test is a function that takes key-value arguments: **test\_something**(code => _$code_, language => _$language_, \[reference => _$reference_\]) Here _$code_ is the code to be tested, _$language_ is the programming language, and _$reference_ is an optional reference source code to compare _$code_ against. Each test returns undef if the test failed (for example, if the test cannot be applied to this programming language), and an arrayref of warnings otherwise. Most tests have several configurable parameters, which come from global variables. The documentation of each test mentions the global variables that affect its operations. `local` can be used to run a test with special configuration once, without affecting other code: ```perl { local $Code::Quality::bla_threshold = 5; test_bla code => $code, language => 'C'; } ``` ### test\_lines This test counts non-empty lines in both the code and the reference. If the code is significantly longer than the reference, it returns a warning. If the code is much longer, it returns an error. Otherwise it returns an empty arrayref. The thresholds for raising a warning/error are available in the source code, see global variables `@short_code_criteria` and `@long_code_criteria`. This test fails if no reference is provided, but is language-agnostic ### test\_clang\_tidy This test runs the [clang-tidy](https://clang.llvm.org/extra/clang-tidy/) static analyser on the code and returns all warnings found. The clang-tidy checks in use are determined by two global variables, each of which is a list of globs such as `modernize-*`. The checks in `@clang_tidy_warnings` produce warnings, while the checks in `@clang_tidy_errors` produce errors. There is also a hash `%clang_tidy_check_options` which contains configuration for the checks. This test does not require a reference, but is limited to languages that clang-tidy understands. This is controlled by the global variable `%extension_of_language`, which contains file extensions for the supported languages. ### analyse\_code **analyse\_code** runs every test above on the code, producing a combined list of warnings. It fails (returns undef) if all tests fail. The tests run by **analyse\_code** are those in the global variable `@all_tests`, which is a list of coderefs. ## Star rating **star\_rating\_of\_warnings**(_$warnings_) is a subroutine that takes the output of a test and computes the star rating as an integer. The rating is undef if the test failed, 1 if the test returned at least one error, 2 if the test returned at least one warning but no errors, and 3 otherwise. So a program gets 3 stars if it only raises informational messages, or no messages at all. # EXPORT By default only **analyse\_code** and **star\_rating\_of\_warnings** are exported. The other tests can be exported on request. # AUTHOR Marius Gavrilescu, <marius@ieval.ro> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2019 by Wellcode PB SRL Code::Quality is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. Code::Quality is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Code::Quality. If not, see [https://www.gnu.org/licenses/](https://www.gnu.org/licenses/).