Tasks - module & application for the tasks / projects and time tracking ======================================================================= This archive contains: - Tasks.pm - Perl module - application/* - Perl/Tk application which uses Tasks module Module to track the tasks / projects and time spend on each task. This module allows to keep the hierarchical list of the tasks, including the time logs for every task. All information is saved in XML file. Installation ============ The installation of Tasks module is the same as you would install any perl module library, by running these commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install To install the application, just copy the content of application/ directory (e.g. to directory 'tasks') and run tasks.pl. Application saves the task list in file .tasks.xml in user's home directory, so before running it, please ether copy an example file 'example.tasks.xml' as: cp application/example.tasks.xml ~/.tasks.xml or create a file with the following: <tasklist name="example" version="1.0"> </tasklist> Note, that tasks.pl uses some files from this directory, so if you want to copy this application to some standard directory you can ether just create a symbolic link or (if you insist on copying it) edit $BASEDIR in the begin of tasks.pl file Required ======== Tasks.pm require XML::Parser module to be installed Application (tasks.pl) require Tk and Getopt::Std modules. Documentation ============= See POD doumentation in Tasks.pm (after installation, just use perldoc Tasks). Questions, bug reports, useful code bits, and suggestions should just be sent to me at sergey@sergey.com Availability ============ The latest version can be found on http://www.sergey.com/soft/Tasks/ Copyright ========= Copyright 2001 by Sergey Gribov <sergey@sergey.com>, all rights reserved.