# HTTP::Balancer

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HTTP::Balancer is a abstract layer to manage your http load balancers. It
stores your configurations, launches the arbitrary implementation of balancers
on demand, and switches between implementations without extra effort.


You are recommanded to install HTTP::Balancer with App::cpanminus

    # cpanm HTTP::Balancer

## Usage

Before everything, you must initialize HTTP::Balancer.

    # http-balancer init

Add your virtual hosts and backends

    # http-balancer add host www --fullname www.example.com

    # http-balancer add backend web1 --address --host www

List your hosts and backends

    # http-balancer list host

    # http-balancer list backend

Delete host and its backends

    # http-balancer del host www

Or only delete a backend

    # http-balancer del backend web1

Fire the balancer up

    # http-balancer start

Get its status

    # http-balancer status

Stop the balancer

    # http-balancer stop

Every command can show its usage text with `--help` options

## Authors

shelling <navyblueshellingford@gmail.com>

## License

MIT X11 License