package Test::Deep::Matcher; use 5.008001; use strict; use warnings; use parent 'Exporter'; use Test::Deep::Matcher::DataUtil; our $VERSION = '0.01'; $VERSION = eval $VERSION; our @RefMatchers = qw( is_scalar_ref is_array_ref is_hash_ref is_code_ref is_glob_ref ); for my $name (@RefMatchers) { no strict 'refs'; *{$name} = sub { Test::Deep::Matcher::DataUtil->new($name, @_) }; } our @PrimitiveMatchers = qw( is_value is_string is_number is_integer ); for my $name (@PrimitiveMatchers) { no strict 'refs'; *{$name} = sub { Test::Deep::Matcher::DataUtil->new($name, @_) }; } our @EXPORT = ( @RefMatchers, @PrimitiveMatchers, ); 1; =head1 NAME Test::Deep::Matcher - Type check matchers for Test::Deep =head1 SYNOPSIS use Test::More; use Test::Deep; use Test::Deep::Matcher; my $got = +{ foo => 'string', bar => 100, baz => [ 1, 2, 3 ], quux => { foo => 'bar' }, }; cmp_deeply($got, +{ foo => is_string, bar => is_integer, baz => is_array_ref, quux => is_hash_ref, }); done_testing; =head1 DESCRIPTION Test::Deep::Matcher is a collection of Test::Deep type check matchers. =head1 METHODS =head2 Reference Matchers =over 4 =item is_scalar_ref Checks the value type is SCALAR reference. =item is_array_ref Checks the value type is ARRAY reference. =item is_hash_ref Checks the value type is HASH reference. =item is_code_ref Checks the value type is CODE reference. =item is_glob_ref Checks the value type is GLOB reference. =back =head2 Primitive Matchers =over 4 =item is_value Checks the value is primitive, is B<not undef>. =item is_string Checks the value is string, has length. =item is_number Checks the value is number. =item is_integer Checks the value is integer, is also number. =back =head1 AUTHOR NAKAGAWA Masaki E<lt>masaki@cpan.orgE<gt> =head1 LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =head1 SEE ALSO L<Test::Deep>, <Data::Util> =cut