Dancer::Plugin::TTHelpers - Useful routines for generating HTML for use
    with Dancer + TT

    version 0.001

    In your Dancer application's file ...

        package MyApp;
        use Dancer ':syntax';
        use Dancer::Plugin::TTHelpers;

    and in your application's views ...

        <!-- in -->
        <% css('foo') %>
        <% js('bar') %>

        <!-- in -->
        Name: <% text('name') %></br>
        Shirt Size: <% radio('size', sizes) %></br>
        Quantity: <% select('quantity', quants) %></br>
        <!-- etc. -->

    NOTE: this module is very alpha code. *Use at your own risk*

    I was working on a Dancer app and got tired of using the normal Template
    Toolkit mechanisms for generating forms. Also, I got tired of writing
    the boiler-plate for CSS and Javascript. Then I remembered when I was
    working with Rails a few years ago, there were some handy routines for
    generating this stuff, so after looking around briefly for something
    similar to what I wanted, I decided to make my own.

    This was the result.

  The Helpers
    By using this module in your Dancer app, new routines are made available
    from within your views that aid in generating HTML for forms and the
    standard HTML required for include CSS or Javascript files.

    Following are the list of routines available from within your templates.
    Items within square brackets(" [ ] ") are optional and may be omitted:

    "css(FILE, [ IE_COND ], [ ATTR ])"
        Outputs a "<link>" tag. "FILE" should be the name of a CSS file
        within the public/css directory of your app. If "FILE" does not end
        with ".css", then it is appended. If COND is specified, the CSS link
        is surrounded with appropriate comments for IE. Any additional
        attributes for the "<link>" tag may be specified as a hashref.

        Example usage:

            <% css('print', { media => "print" }) %>
            <% css('ie', 'lt IE 8' { media => "screen,projection" }) %>

        which could result in the following output:

            <link rel='stylesheet' href='http://localhost:3000/css/print.css' type='text/css' media="print" />
        <!--[if lt IE 8]><link rel='stylesheet' href='http://localhost:3000/css/ie.css' type='text/css' media="screen,projection" /><![endif]-->

    "js(FILE, [ IE_COND ], [ ATTR ])"
        Outputs a "<script>" tag with appropriate "language" and "type"
        attributes for javascript. "FILE" should be the name of a javascript
        file located within public/javascripts. If "FILE" does not end with
        ".js", then it is appended. If COND is specified, the CSS link is
        surrounded with appropriate comments for IE. Any additional
        attributes for the "<script>" tag may be specified as a hashref.

        Example usage:

            <% js('jquery') %>

        which could result in the following output:

            <script languages='javascript' src='http://localhost:3000/js/jquery.js' type='text/javascript'></script>

    The rest of the helpers are for generating form elements. Each one may
    optionally pass an object as its first argument. It is expected that
    this object will have an accessor with the same name as the one
    specified as the second argument so that the form elements can be
    initialized with the object's values by default.

    "radio([OBJ], NAME, [VALUES], [SEPARATOR])"

            <% radio('item', [ 'hat', 'shirt', 'shorts' ]) %>
            <% radio(obj, 'size', [ 'small', 'medium', 'large' ]) %>

    "text([OBJ], NAME, VALUE, [ ATTR ])"

            <% text('title') %>
            <% text(person, 'name') %>
            <% text(person, 'dob', { size => 8 }) %>

    "select([OBJ], NAME, OPTIONS, [KEY], [VALUE], [ ATTR ])"

            <% select('priority', [ 'low','medium','high' ]) %>

    "checkbox([OBJ], NAME, CHECKED, [ ATTR ])"

    "button([OBJ], NAME, VALUE, [ ATTR ])"

    "hidden([OBJ], NAME, VALUE, [ ATTR ] )"

    author = Jonathan Scott Duff <>

    This software is copyright (c) 2011 by Jonathan Scott Duff.

    This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
    the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.